MIThril Hardware Design

MIThril, a borglab production. Richard W. DeVaul, Jonathan Gips, Michael Sung, Sandy Pentland
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Labeled MIThril vest drawing The MIThril hardware platform is a combination of off-the-shelf components and custom engineered parts. As much as possible we have tried to use commercially available pieces while meeting our ergonomics, performance, and reliability constraints.

In the cases where off-the-shelf parts are not suitable, we have designed special-purpose hardware. In order to make MIThril more widely available, we are working on document packages for this research hardware that will allow others to modify and extend our hardware design work.

MIThril Construction and Assembly

Most of our MIThril construction documentation is to be found on the Borglab wiki MIThril construction pages. If you have questions about what connects to what, or how to get something working, look there first.


Document Packages

MIThril hardware, like MIThril software, is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version two or any later version, as interpreted by the MIThril Hardware Design GPL Interpretation, version one or any later version.

Available document packages:

  • BSEdock: (half of the BSEV core) The MicroOptical driver and MIThril body-bus connector board for the BrightStar ipEngine1. (NOTE: this design is not endorsed by BrightStar engineering or MicroOptical corporation).
Squirt 2
IR-suck tagreader
  • IR-suck: The Squirt 2 tag reader.
    • README file for IR-suck document package.
    • ir-suck.tar.gz: the IR-suck document package, tar.gz format.
    • the IR-suck document package, zip format.
USB-enabled junction prototype
  • This is the USB-enabled MIThril body bus junction, which fully supports the USB 1.1 standard (as well as passively routing the other MIThril protocols and power.

For more information about MIThril, see the links to the left or contact the MIThril team, <>.