MIThril people

MIThril, a borglab production. Richard W. DeVaul, Jonathan Gips, Michael Sung, Sandy Pentland
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Memory Glasses

MIThril Enchantment Software

Real-Time Contxt Engine


Wearables Home Page

MIThril is based on the work and good ideas of many people in the wearable computing research community; it would be impossible to name them all, so this list is necessarily incomplete. However, as the MIThril project grows and develops I hope to include as many of the contributors as possible.
Richard W. DeVaul

Media Lab Asia Ph.D. Candidate,
MIThril Principle Investigator/Designer

Rich is a PH.D. candidate and Media Lab Asia fellow in the Human Design group at the MIT Media Lab. He is working on new human-computer interaction techniques for wearable, mobile, and portable applications. His Ph.D. thesis work focuses on the use of subliminal visual cues for just-in-time memory support. Rich also uses statistical machine learning techniques to classify sensor data in real-time for biomedical and activity classification applications, and design hardware and software for wearable computing applications. He has also the lead systems architect of MIThril, and has designed and written much of the hardware and software used in the project.

In past lives Rich has done published research in mathematical modeling and simulation, computational neuroscience, and computer graphics.

Jonathan Gips

Masters Student, Human Design Group, Smart Cities Group

Jonathan Gips is the original author of the Enchantment Whiteboard, and has contributed a great deal to the software and interaction side of the MIThril project.
Michael Sung

Ph.D. Student, EE/CS

Michael Sung is the designer of the Sak2 Zaurus/MIThril bus sensor bridge, which is a critical component of the MIThril 2003 design. He is interested in biosensing and biomedical applications.
Anmol Madan

Masters Student, Human Design Group

Anmol Madan is an author of components of the MIThril project.
Reshma Khilnani

Masters Student, EE/CS

Reshma's area of study includes building tools to infer information relating to the long-term health of individuals.
Ron Caneel

Masters Student, Human Design Group

Ron's intrests include using machine learning to process information attained from the MIThril project.

Alex "Sandy" Pentland

Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, Human Design Group Leader, Academic Head, MIT Media Lab

Alex (Sandy) Pentland is the Academic Head of the M.I.T. Media Laboratory. He is also the Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, an endowed chair first held by Marvin Minsky. He has done research in wearable computing, human-machine interface, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, machine and human vision, and has published more than 200 scientific articles in these areas. He a founder of the IEEE Computer Societies' Wearable Computer task force, and General Chair of the upcoming IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing (see

His research focus includes both understanding human behavior (e.g., face, expression, and intention recognition; word learning and acoustic scene analysis) and wearable computing (e.g., augmenting human intelligence and perception by building sensors, displays, and computers into glasses, belts, shoes, etc.). These are described in the April 1996 and November 1998 issues of Scientific American, respectively.

He has won awards from the AAAI, IEEE, and Ars Electronica. Newsweek magazine has recently named him one of the 100 Americans most likely to shape the next century. Most recently, his `future of cyberfashion' event received rave reviews from virtually the entire range of news organizations, including the NY and LA Times, Newsweek, Time, ABC, NBC, and Vogue, and was named `idea of the year' by Parade Magazine (see


Steven J. Schwartz

Research Scientist Alumnus, Human Design Group

Steven is responsible for many of the innovations in wearable computing since the early 1990's. As a video design engineer with Kopin he helped define the technology that enabled head mounted displays for wearable computers. Schwartz devoted 4 years to industrial wearable computing as the VP of Research for Xybernaut before accepting a position at MIT to focus on research in wearables. Steven's Smart Vest project paved the way for MIThrtil in addressing soft packaging and fine grain distributed architechtures. This work paved the way for a platform that supports context awearable computing. Prior to his work in wearable computing, Schwartz was one of the pioneers in the convergence of digital technology with video and film as the Chief Video Engineer at Lucasfilm LTD.