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Wearables Home Page
Welcome to the MIThril IAP web page. On this page we provide links to
information, slides, and lectures associated with our IAP events.
We've had great success with our IAP activities over the last couple
of years and look forward to your participation in the borglab IAP
activities of 2003.
Hackfest 2003
Welcome to the all-new Hackfest
2003. This year we are combining the Sharp Zaurus with custom
microcontroller-based sensors to make a friendlier, more capable
hackfest platform. No digital electronics or microcontroller
experience is required this year, and we have full wifi capabilities
to play with, as well as a full Linux development environment.
The class schedule, projects and other information will be documented
on our Hackfest
2003 wiki page. |
Hackfest 2002
Welcome to Hackfest 2002. Through these links you will find
information about the class and projects. More information will be
added as the class progresses.
Hackfest provides an opportunity for students to work in a real
research environment developing novel wearable applications based on
body-worn microncontrlers, sensors, and interaction devices.
Hackfest Goals and Requirements
The Hackfest class is intended as a loosely structured,
project-oriented hands-on hacking experience for motivated
undergraduate and gradutate students. Students are expected to bring
some knowledge of programming and basic digital electronics knowledge
to the class, but no prior experience with hardware design, signals
and systems, or microcontroler programming is required.
We provide access to hardware, lab space, and knowledgable guides -
"Cyborg Buddies" - who will help students develop their applications.
Students bring their motivation and good ideas. By the end of the
class, the students will have taken an application idea from
brainstorming through hardware and softrware development to
documented, finished prototype. More importantly, they will have
gained valuable research and design experience.
Hackfest Class Schedule
Class has "official" meeting times Mondays and Tuesadays, Jan 7-8,
14-15, 21-22, 28, 3:00-5:00pm. Monday meetings are manditory, and it
is expected that students will also attend most Tuesday work meetings
and schedule additional time in the borglab to develop their projects.
Final projects will be presented on Monday the 28th of January.
Monday, January 7.
Intro, wearable application development
brainstorming, "Cyborg Buddy" pairing.
Introduction to Wearable Computing.
Context Awareness and Applications,
the importance and challenges of context awareness.
The SAK MIThril Core, the Hackfest wearable.
Tuesday, January 8.
Work session; lab orientation, board stuffing.
Monday, Janyary 14.
Microcontroler Programming, basic sensor design.
Rob Poor's iRX page Programming a simple microcontroler-based device.
Fab Class Microcontroler Microcontroler programming presentation.
Tusday, January 15.
Work session.
Monday, January 20.
Human factors, Interaction, Attention management.
The Enchantment
Interface, wearable interface issues.
Tuesday, January 21.
Work session.
Monday, January 28.
Final project presentations, future directions.
IAP 2001
We had a great time with the second annual "I wanna be a Cyborg"
introductory wearable computing class, which included a short series
of web-based presentations. Here are topics we covered: