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Here's a quick how-to on building PCBs using EagleCad and AP Circuits P1
prototyping service. Note that this document is not
endorsed or approved by CadSoft
or AP Circuits. At
least some of this may apply to other CAD packages and board houses,
but any of the information presented here could be out-of-date, or
just dead wrong. Having said that, I hope you find it helpful.
Richard W. DeVaul, 13 Feb 2002.
Using AP Circuits P1 service you can get prototype PCBs fabricated in
three days, e.g. if you place your order by 1pm Eastern Time on
Monday, you get your boards by FedEx on Wednesday. AP Circuits also
offers a two-day rush P1 service; it costs more and may not be
available. Contact AP Circuits to ask about rush service if you need
Here are the steps for building your AP Circuits order with EagleCad
under Linux -- the instructions should also work under Windows with
appropriate command substitutions, etc. I assume you already know how
to lay out boards using Eagle and know your way around basic shell
- Make sure your boards pass ERC and DRC. The default values for
the DRC are fine for AP Circuits (as far as I know). AP Circuits
supports one drill-size smaller than the default minimum (0.020
rather than 0.024) but you probably don't care.
- Instructions for creating the board pannel:
Unless you plan on only fabricating one type of board, you should
build a multi-board panel; doing each separately would be
inefficient and expensive. (NOTE: AP Circuits builds panels in
multiples of two, with two being the minimum order.) Create a new
empty board in the panel directory and name it using the date
convention established there (panel[date], where [date] is a
euro-style numeric date, day-month-year). Then, for each board
that goes in the panel:
- Open the board in the board editor.
- Make sure that each board has "tick" (angle) marks at the
corners in the top layer.
- Under display/hide layers, TURN ALL LAYERS ON.
- Draw a group around your entire board.
- "Cut" this group.
- Open the panel file.
- Paste the board into the panel.
Keep all layers on while arranging the panel, so that you don't
inadvertently leave something important behind (a drill hole, for
instance) when you move a board. Add text to the top layer
somewhere (this can be outside the boundaries of the panel)
saying COMPONENT; this is so the AP Circuits folks have a sanity
check for determining which layer is the top.
VERY IMPORTANT: you must lay out your panel so it can be cut.
Leave at least a 0.08" gutter between your boards.
IMPORTANT: when you paste your boards into the panel, arrange them
so that the panel may be broken cleanly in two each time it is cut.
This will save you tremendous work and frustration by allowing you
to use the board-breaker to divide the panel, rather than the
band-saw or some other messy cutting tool. Remember, folks, FR4 is
not something you want to breathe.
Somewhat Important: While obeying the previous layout constraints,
try to minimize the total panel area as this is the primary factor
in determining fabrication cost.
When you are done, run DRC one more time. I know, I know, you
already did this for each board. BUT, when you built the panel you
may have rotated something, and if that "something" contains text
in a signal layer (such as comments on the top or bottom of the
board) that text will be reoriented, and may result in a short or
other design rule violation. You have been warned.
Once your panel is done, measure it. Draw some lines in layer 47
the length and width of the widest and tallest bits of your board.
Use the information tool to find out just exactly what these
dimensions are. You will need them when building the orderform.txt
If you are doing a single board, go back and read step 2a,
pretending that your panel is the single board. You don't need
to worry about the multi-board layout issues, but you do need to
add the COMPONENT text and measure the board.
Follow the instructions in "gerber.txt" (in this directory) for
building the Gerber and Excellon files for the panel/board
(hereafter to be referred to as the panel).
Build an order directory named order[date] according to the
instructions for AP Circuits P1 service, as specified on the web
site. This directory should contain the following seven files:
The panel[date].* files should have all been generated
by step 3. Make sure all of these files exist and are non-zero
in size. If you have a gerber file viewer you can view the board
layer files to see if they are sane. If you don't, it is
possible to modify the default CAM job to produce PostScript
output, allowing you to view your board layers with gostview or
send them to a PostScript printer for preview.
- The orderform.txt file is a boilerplate form you get from
AP Circuits. You can find example orderform.txt files in
the panel/order[foo] directories. NOTE: you must know how
large your panel is to fill out this form correctly, and
you must provide valid shipping/billing information. YOU
MUST GET THIS RIGHT if you want to have speedy service;
errors in this file will slow the process down by at least
a day. Make sure the file names for the various
Gerber/Excellon files are correct.
- The READ.ME file is the "special instructions" file where
you get to specify options like rush service or adjusting
drill sizes. Check the drills you are using (specified in
the *.drl) file against the list of available/free
drills on the AP Circuits web site: AP Circuits doesn't
stock metric drills, and you probably will want to make
some adjustments to take advantage of the free
drills. See the existing READ.ME files for examples.
- Once you are done twiddling the files, delete any editor
backup files in that directory and use the zip tool to
build the zip file, like so:
zip ../order[date].zip *
This will dump the resulting zip file in the panel
directory; when done, move it into the order directory to
keep everything together for future reference.
Upload the zip file to the AP Circuits anonymous FTP site. The
order file should go in the apc_in directory; make sure you
transfer it in binary mode. You also might want to call it
something more personalized than order[date].zip when it gets
there, just in case someone else is using the same date-based
naming scheme. Here is an example of the FTP transaction; lines
that start with "$" or "ftp>" are the prompts:
$ ftp
Connected to
220 apcwebserver Microsoft FTP Service (Version 4.0).
Name ( anonymous
331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
230-Welcome to Alberta Printed Circuits.
230-Please leave your files in the apc_in directory.
230-TCP Port = 21
230 Anonymous user logged in.
Remote system type is Windows_NT.
ftp> cd apc_in
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> hash
Hash mark printing on (1024 bytes/hash mark).
ftp> put
local: remote:
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
226 Transfer complete.
197183 bytes sent in 3.98 secs (48.4 kB/s)
ftp> quit
221 Thank you for your order, have a nice day.
Send email to saying something like:
Dear AP Circuits Representative:
Please accept my request for RUSH P1 processing of,
located in the apc_in ftp directory; I am willing to pay the
additional cost for same-day shipment.
If rush service is not available, please notify me but process the
order as standard P1 service.
Richard W. DeVaul
Two or three days later, your boards show up. Standard P1 service
is three days; if you get the order in by 1pm Eastern on Monday
you will receive the boards on Wednesday (with FedEx shipment).
With rush P1 service, you get your boards the next day (assuming
they can process your order) but you pay more.
NOTE: Make sure there is someone to receive your order; this
should not be a problem for weekday delivery, but if you are
expecting your boards on Saturday your boards could get bounced
back to the FedEx office, which can be very inconvenient (and
defeat the whole purpose of the Saturday delivery).