M.I.T. - Media Lab

The Vision
Practical Plan
Central Themes
Physical Structure
  Health, Environment
unWired, Unwiring the World

Costa Rica has been a pioneer in the field of linking the use of computers with the process of learning. Collaborative efforts between the Fundación Omar Dengo in Costa Rica, and the Media Laboratory at MIT, have been highly successful and provide today a wealth of experience to be tapped. The methodology learned in these efforts, which in the past has been “exported” to other countries, would constitute the backbone of the program in this field.

The computer lab would be utilized by grammar school and high school students during class hours, and would be open to community use during the rest of the time. In addition, a digital library (with an enormous base of resource material) is contemplated, to enhance the educational experience.

Copyright 1999, M.I.T. Media Lab - unwired@media.mit.edu