M.I.T. - Media Lab

The Vision
Practical Plan
Central Themes
Physical Structure
  Health, Environment
unWired, Unwiring the World

Banking, e-Commerce:
One of the most exciting aspects of this project is the presence of electronic commerce and banking facilities, thus enabling entire communities outside the formal economy a further step in their economic integration.

Financial Smart Cards are rapidly increasing their use; and yet they have been thought of as an instrument only for the sophisticated consumer. This Center has the capability of empowering users in the most advanced of financial services, while keeping costs down. ATM’s in the Center would not be of the type normally used in urban centers of the world, but rather would be the very affordable configuration already tested in Central America. This ATM accumulates all financial inter-account transactions during the day, and relays them all in a consolidated fashion in one communication with the financial institution.

The Center will also enable the community to participate as equals in the global economy. The network of Town Centers will seek to provide employment in `back room’ business services such as clerical work, typing, transcription, and document quality control. Following the example of other peoples in remote and sparsely populated regions, the network of Centers will seek to bring in work via the Center’s digital communication channels, providing globally competitive services because of lower capital and overhead costs.

Copyright 1999, M.I.T. Media Lab - unwired@media.mit.edu