Each Media Lab faculty member and senior research scientist leads a research group that includes a number of graduate student researchers and often involves undergraduate researchers.
Advancing wellbeing using new ways to communicate, understand, and respond to emotion.
Enhancing human physical capability.
Making the invisible visible–inside our bodies, around us, and beyond–for health, work, and connection.
Enabling dynamic, evolving places that respond to the complexities of life.
Creating technology for social change.
Sparking discussion about the social, cultural, and ethical implications of emerging technologies through design and storytelling.
Integrating digital interfaces more naturally into our physical lives, enabling insight, inspiration, and interpersonal connections.
Exploring how social networks can influence our lives in business, health, governance, and technology adoption and diffusion.
Engaging people in creative learning experiences.
Enhancing mobile life through improved user interactions.
Transforming data into knowledge.
Designing for, with, and by nature.
Engineering at the limits of complexity with molecular-scale parts.
Changing storytelling, communication, and everyday life through sensing, understanding, and new interface technologies.
Extending expression, learning, and health through innovations in musical composition, performance, and participation.
Building socially engaging robots and interactive technologies to help people live healthier lives, connect with others, and learn better.
Designing systems that become experiences to transcend utility and usability.
Augmenting and mediating human experience, interaction, and perception with sensor networks.
Reimagining the way society organizes, cooperates, and governs itself.
Exploring evolutionary and ecological engineering.
Inventing technologies that extend human and computer abilities in sensing, communication, and actuation through signals and networks,
Creating sociotechnical systems that shape our urban environments.
Understanding and empowering human networks.
Revealing insights into the human condition and repairing brain disorders via novel tools for mapping and fixing brain computations.
Seamlessly coupling the worlds of bits and atoms by giving dynamic physical form to digital information and computation.
Creating scalable technologies that evolve with user inventiveness.