Bandit strategies in social search: the case of the DARPA red balloon challenge
Neri Oxman @ UVM
Neri Oxman combines breakthroughs in materials science (such as 3D printing) with design principles found in nature. Imagine a skyscraper made with concrete that can breathe and grow and “think,” or a chair that moves with your body. Buoyed by boundless enthusiasm, Oxman’s talks are ostensibly about what is possible when you mix art and science; but really they’re about possibility itself. more ›
Death and the Powers Simulcast
Death and the Powers Global Interactive Simulcast
MIT Media Lab
Bartos Theatre
20 Ames Street, Cambridge
(lower level, Wiesner Building, E15-070)
Admission is free, however you must register to attend
Jonathan Ledgard: Future Africa
The technology choices Africa makes in the next decade will help to determine whether it becomes competitive or unmanageable. This informal talk will overview Africa's security and environmental challenges, underline its economic potential, and get beyond ICT to identify areas where science will be decisive.