Death and the Powers Simulcast

Death and the Powers Global Interactive Simulcast
MIT Media Lab
Bartos Theatre
20 Ames Street, Cambridge
(lower level, Wiesner Building, E15-070)
Admission is free, however you must register to attend

Tod Machover’s Death and the Powers will be presented by The Dallas Opera from February 12-16 with a special first-ever interactive simulcast during the February 16 matinee. The simulcasts will be presented at 10 sites in the US and Europe, including right here at the Media Lab in the Bartos Theatre.

In addition to viewing the live, hi-def broadcast feed of the production, you will be able to become immersed even further in the performance by using the Powers Live mobile application that we have developed in the Opera of the Future group. Available for download starting February 1 for iOS 6/7 in the Apple App Store and for Android 4.0+ devices in the Google Play store, Powers Live will allow you to virtually experience visual and sonic aspects of the performance. Live video, audio, and graphical content will be triggered in the app in sync with the performance, and there will be a few times when your interaction will, in turn, influence the live show back in Dallas.

To get a sense of how many people we’ll have–and whether we’ll need to open up additional viewing areas around the Media Lab–please register by February 7.

For more information about the project, please check out the recent press release.

Affiliates of the Media Lab may bring up to 3 family and friends. Please indicate your affiliation below.