Past Talks and Colloquia
Apr 15 11 7:00pm - Apr 16 11 12:00am

New Music Marathon:

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Apr 15 11 11:00am - 1:00pm
Alex 'Sandy' Pentland

Distributed collaboration is often more challenging than co-located collaboration, as many of the social signals become lost in computer-mediated communication. Kim proposes a system that improves the performance of distributed groups using sociometric feedback. Sociometric feedback is a real-time visualization of the quantitative measurement of social interactions. Sociometric feedback helps distributed group members have a better understanding of the members that are not co-present.

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Apr 12 11 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Alex 'Sandy' Pentland

We propose a sensor-based organizational design and engineering approach that combines behavioral sensor data with other sources of information–such as e-mail, surveys, and performance data–in order to design interventions aimed at improving organizational outcomes. The proposed system combines sensor measurements, pattern recognition algorithms, simulation and optimization techniques, social network analysis, and feedback mechanisms that aim at continuously monitoring and improving individual and group performance.

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Apr 05 11 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Susanne Seitinger

Luminous tweets and retweets

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Apr 05 11 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Alex 'Sandy' Pentland

The goal of this thesis is to show that social support created through face-to-face interaction is a driving factor in a number of important outcomes. Through a series of studies, we show that social support is positively related to important outcomes and that changes in social support is positively related to changes in these outcomes. We then discuss a two-phase study where we experimentally modify break structure to increase levels of social support and demonstrate a corresponding positive change in outcomes. Finally, we show that social support is also qualitatively related to outcomes.

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Mar 23 11 12:30pm - 2:30pm

In this welcome return to the Media Lab, Bill Moggridge will introduce some of the innovators in the design of social media, interviewed for his recent book Designing Media (MIT Press). He will compare the approaches used for the design of social networks, crowd-sourcing and co-creation, illustrating how mainstream media has changed and how new patterns of media consumption are emerging.

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Mar 16 11 5:00pm - 7:00pm

In general, an ontology is a set of concepts and relations between those concepts. Since ancient times, ontologies have been used as a means to organize and access information. Most ontologies are large and complex. This is because they aim to cover a wide range of topics and support a large set of users and tasks. Some situations, however, call for more lightweight ontologies that are user- and task-specific.

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Mar 14 11 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Language is central to how people reason about and understand their world. As computers increasingly pervade human lives and decision-making processes, they must learn to understand and mediate human-to-human interaction. People use their intuitive knowledge of the world and the experiences they've had in the past to react intelligently to the world around them. If we were to give machines these capabilities, they could help us make better-informed decisions, conquer mountains of data, and expand the reach of our creativity and intelligence.

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Mar 09 11 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Mar 08 11 7:00pm - 9:00pm