Past Talks and Colloquia
Apr 09 14 11:00am - Apr 13 14 6:00pm
Salone Del Mobile, Milan

Lexus International will unveil the Tangible Media Group's exhibit, "TRANSFORM," as part of their Design Amazing 2014 showcase at Milan Design Week.

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Apr 03 14 1:00pm - 2:30pm

All talks at the Media Lab, unless otherwise noted, are open to the public.
This talk will be webcast. Join the conversation on Twitter: #MLTalks

Technology Driving Global Media and Finance

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Apr 02 14 9:00am - Apr 03 14 5:00pm
Trento, Italy

Telecom Italia, in association with EIT ICT Labs, MIT Media Lab, Milan Polytechnic and Trento RISE, has launched the Big Data Challenge, an online call for developers, researchers and designers from all over the world to come up with brand-new big data services and applications. Under the project, a big data package is given to participants, be they professionals, enterprises or bodies. Participants can choose between applications for mobile or web devices, model trend analysis, and data visualization through infographics.

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Mar 28 14 11:00am - 1:00pm

Join the first Media Lab Virtual Visit–talk with current students and learn about our research.

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Mar 28 14 9:00am - Sep 29 14 5:00pm
Le Laboratoire, Paris

Vocal Vibrations, an original installation and design, invites the public to discover the relationship between sound vibrations stimulated by voice and their effects on human physiology, with sensory, unique and exceptional experience.

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Mar 21 14 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Rosalind W. Picard

Physical and biological needs of the brain must be met as a precondition for "higher" functions to be performed. Basic physical and biological functions are performed by an array of cell and tissue types without which neurons could not live or function. The quality of health, lifestyle, and environment can profoundly affect these physical and biological parameters. Transduction of molecular and metabolic biology into electrophysiological signaling is vulnerable to poor physical and biological health, and conversely can be tuned up by improving whole-body health.

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Mar 14 14 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Marko Ahtisaari is a technology entrepreneur and designer. For the last four years he was executive vice president of design at Nokia, responsible for hardware and user interface design. Recent work by the studio includes the award winning Lumia family of smartphones and the Nokia N9. Prior to Nokia, Marko was CEO and co-founder of Dopplr (acquired by Nokia in 2009) and part of the team at Blyk, the free ad-funded mobile network. He left Nokia in November 2013 to return to being an entrepreneur.

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Mar 11 14 7:00pm - 9:00pm

SXSW Interactive Festival Hall of Fame Honors Top Industry Trendsetters: 2014 Inductee is Joi Ito

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Mar 11 14 11:00am - 12:00pm
Mar 11 14 9:30am - 10:30am


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