In the light of the devastating earthquake in Nepal, the MIT community is planning to meet to discuss ideas to help the relief efforts using technology. The attendees can brainstorm ideas and self-organize into teams that have complementary skillsets to execute these ideas. Participants can think about using tweets, visual data, crowdsourcing methods, and other technologies to facilitate relief work, locate people, provide services, or simply make the world aware of the extent of this tragedy.
May 01 15 10:00am - 12:00pm
Apr 23 15 3:30pm - 5:00pm
We're sorry this talk is no longer available. Consider watching the most recent MLTalk instead. |
Apr 23 15 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Talks in the Advancing Wellbeing Seminar Series are free and open to the public. |
Apr 23 15 9:00am - May 17 15 5:00pm
Gucci Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Apr 18 15 9:00am - Apr 23 15 6:00pm
Seoul, Korea
The theme for CHI 2015 is "Crossings": crossing borders, crossing boundaries, crossing disciplines, crossing people and technology, crossing past and future, crossing physical and digital, crossing art and science. Case Studies Vision-Driven: Beyond Tangible Bits, Towards Radical Atoms | Hiroshi Ishii, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Lining Yao, and Jifei Ou Demo |
Apr 16 15 9:00am - 10:00am
Karthik Dinakar |
Apr 10 15 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Katherine Milkman Talks in the Advancing Wellbeing Seminar Series are free and open to the public. |
Apr 08 15 4:30pm - 5:30pm
San Francisco, CA
Apr 07 15 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Alfredo Corchado was born in Durango, Mexico and, grew up as a migrant worker in California and later moved to Texas. He is a 1984 graduate of El Paso Community College, a 1987 graduate of the University of Texas at El Paso, and a 2008-2009 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. |
Apr 07 15 9:00am - Apr 10 15 6:30pm
The main conference on the scientific analysis of mobile phone datasets. |