A brief history of wearable computing
Questions, comments, and corrections write:
Bradley Rhodes <rhodes@media.mit.edu>, MIT Wearable
Computing Project
This page is at
Many thanks to Thad Starner, Chip Maguire, Doug Platt, Sandy Pentland, Dick
Urban, Jun Rekimoto, Edgar Matias, Al Becker and others for their contributions
and suggestions.
Foundations (F): Thinkers, innovations, and
experiments that helped pave the way for wearable computers.
Complete Systems (C): Complete wearable
computers (general or special purpose)
- 1268 (F): Earliest recorded mention of eyeglasses
- 1665 (F): Robert Hooke calls for augmented senses
- 1762 (F): John
Harrison invents the pocket watch
- 1907 (F): Aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont
commissions the creation of the first wristwatch
- 1945 (F):
Vannevar Bush proposes the idea of a "Memex" in his article "As We May
Think" [MIT]
- 1960 (F): Heilig patents a head-mounted stereophonic
television display.
- 1960 (F): Manfred Clynes coins the word "Cyborg"
- 1966 (C): Ed Thorp and Claude Shannon reveal their
invention of the first wearable computer, used to predict roulette wheels
- 1966 (F):
Sutherland creates first computer-based head-mounted display [MIT]
- 1967 (F): Bell Helicopter experiments with HMDs with
input from servo-controlled cameras [Bell Helicopter]
- 1967 (C): Hubert Upton invents analogue wearable computer
with eyeglass-mounted display to aid lipreading [Bell Helicopter]
- 1968 (F): Douglas Engelbart demonstrates chording keyboard in NLS
(oN Line System) [SRI]
- 1972 (C): Alan Lewis invents a digital camera-case computer
to predict roulette wheels [Cal Tech]
- 1977 (C): CC
Collins develops wearable camera-to-tactile vest for the blind
- 1977 (C): HP
releases the HP 01 algebraic calculator watch [Hewlett-Packard]
- 1978 (C): Eudaemonic Enterprises invents a digital wearable computer
in a shoe to predict roulette wheels [Eudaemonic Enterprises]
- 1979 (F): Sony introduces the Walkman [Sony]
- 1980 (F): Upton and Goodman file for patent on LED
raster display [Textron, Inc]
- 1981 (C): Steve Mann designs backpack-mounted computer to
control photographic equipment
- 1983 (C): Taft commercializes toe-operated computers based
on Z-80's for counting cards
- 1984 (F):
William Gibson writes Neuromancer
- 1986 (C): Steve Roberts builds Winnebiko II, a
recumbent bicycle with on-board computer and chording keyboard
- 1987 (F): The movie Terminator is released
- 1989 (F): Private Eye head-mounted display sold by
Reflection Technology [Reflection Tech]
- 1990 (C): Gerald Maguire and John Ioannidis demonstrate
the Student Electronic Notebook, with Private Eye and mobile IP [Columbia]
- 1990 (F): Olivetti develops an active badge system, using
infrared signals to communicate a person's location [Olivetti]
- 1991 (C): Doug Platt debuts his 286-based "Hip-PC" [Select
- 1991 (C): CMU team develops VuMan 1 for viewing and
browsing blueprint data [CMU]
- 1991 (F): Mark Weiser proposes idea of Ubiquitous
Computing in Scientific American [Xerox PARC]
- 1993 (C): Thad Starner starts constantly wearing
his computer, based on Doug Platt's design [MIT]
- 1993 (C): BBN finishes the Pathfinder system, a
wearable computer with GPS and radiation detection system [BBN]
- 1993 (F): Thad Starner writes first version of the
Remembrance Agent augmented memory software [MIT]
- 1993 (F): Feiner, MacIntyre, and Seligmann develop
the KARMA augmented reality system [Columbia]
- 1994 (C): Lamming and Flynn develop
"Forget-Me-Not" system, a continuous personal recording system [Xerox EuroPARC]
- 1994 (C): Edgar Matias debuts a "wrist computer" with
half-QWERTY keyboard
- 1994 (F): DARPA
starts Smart Modules Program
- 1994 (F): Steve Mann starts transmitting images
from a head-mounted camera to the Web [MIT]
- 1996 (F): DARPA
sponsors "Wearables in 2005" workshop
- 1996 (F): Boeing hosts wearables conference in Seatle
- 1997 (F): Creapôle
Ecole de Création and Alex Pentland produce Smart Clothes Fashion Show
- 1997 (F): CMU, MIT, and Georgia Tech co-host the first
IEEE International Symposium on Wearables Computers
- 1268 (F) Earliest recorded mention of eyeglasses
- Roger Bacon made the first recorded comment on the use of lenses
for optical purposes. However, by that time reading glasses made out of
transparent quartz or beryl were already in use in both China and Europe.
- 1665 (F) Robert Hooke calls for augmented senses
- Micrographia preface 1665:
"The next care to be taken, in respect of the Senses, is a supplying of
their infirmities with Instruments, and as it were, the adding of
artificial Organs to the natural... and as Glasses have highly promoted our
seeing, so 'tis not improbable, but that there may be found many mechanical
inventions to improve our other senses of hearing, smelling, tasting, and
- 1762 (F) John
Harrison invents the pocket-watch
- Harrison invented the first practical marine chronometer, a highly
accurate and reliable clock needed to determine the longitude of a ship.
- 1907 (F) Aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont
commissions the creation of the first wristwatch
- Alberto Santos-Dumont, one of the early experimenters in
heavier-than-air flying machines, commissioned the famous jeweler Louis
Cartier to manufacture a small timepiece with a wristband to his
specifications. The wristwatch allowed him to keep his hands free for
- 1945 (F) Vannevar Bush proposes the idea of a
"memex" in his article "As We May Think" [MIT]
- While Bush thought the memex would be desk-sized rather than wearable, it
is an early mention of the augmented memory. "Consider a future device for
individual use, which is a sort of mechanized private file and library. It
needs a name, and to coin one at random, ``memex'' will do. A memex is a
device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and
communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with
exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to
his memory."
- 1960 (F) Heilig patents a head-mounted stereophonic
television display.
- In 1960 Heilig patented a stereophonic television Head-Mounted Display
(HMD). This was followed by his patent in 1962 for the "Sensorama
Simulator" (US Patent #3,050,870), a virtual reality simulator with
handlebars, binocular display, vibrating seat, stereophonic speakers, cold
air blower, and a device close to the nose that would generate odors that
fit the action in the film. See "Virtual Reality" by Howard Rheingold,
1991, pp. 49-67.
- 1960 (F) Manfred Clynes coins the word "Cyborg"
- Manfred Clynes and co-author Nathan Kline first coined the phrase
"Cyborg" in a story called "Cyborgs and Space" published in Astronautics
(September 1960). The term was used to describe a human being augmented
with technological "attachments". The story has since been reprinted in
"The Cyborg Handbook" edited by Chris Hables Gray.
- 1966 (C) Ed Thorp and Claude Shannon
reveal their invention of the first wearable computer, used to predict
roulette wheels [MIT]
- The system was a cigarette-pack sized analog computer with 4 push
buttons. A data-taker would use the buttons to indicate the speed of the
roulette wheel, and the computer would then send tones via radio to a
bettor's hearing aid. Though the system was invented in 1961, it was first
mentioned in E. Thorp, Beat the Dealer, revised ed. in 1966. The
details of the system were later published in Review of the
International Statistical Institute, V. 37:3, 1969. Thorp also
disclosed a similar system for beating the Wheel of Fortune gambling game
in LIFE Magazine, March 27, 1964, pp. 80-91.
- 1966 (F) Sutherland creates first
computer-based head-mounted display [MIT]
Sutherland created a tethered HMD using two CRTs mounted beside each of a
wearer's ears, with half-silvered mirrors reflecting the images to the
user's eyes. Another system determined where the user was looking and
projected a monoscopic wireframe image such that it looked like a cube was
floating in mid-air. The bulk of the system was attached to the ceiling
above the wearer's head, earning the system the nickname "Sword of
Damocles." See http://www.sun.com/960710/feature3/alice.html
- 1967 (F) Bell Helicopter experiments with
HMDs with input from servo-controlled cameras [Bell Helicopter]
- Bell Helicopter Company performed several early camera-based
augmented-reality systems. In one, the head-mounted display was coupled
with an infrared camera that would give military helicopter pilots the
ability to land at night in rough terrain. An infrared camera, which moved
as the pilot's head moved, was mounted on the bottom of a helicopter. The
pilot's field of view was that of the camera. See http://www.sun.com/960710/feature3/alice.html
for more details.
- 1967 (C) Hubert Upton invents analogue
wearable computer with eyeglass-mounted display to aid lipreading [Bell
- Hubert Upton designed an analogue wearable computer as an aid for
lip-reading. Using high and low-pass filters, the system would determine
if a spoken phoneme was a fricative, stop, voiced-fricative, voiced stop,
or simply voiced. An LED mounted on ordinary eyeglasses illuminated to
indicate the phoneme type. The LEDs were positioned to enable a simple
form of augmented reality; for example, when a phoneme was voiced the LED
at the bottom of the glass illuminated, making it seem as if the speaker's
throat was glowing. The work was presented at the Conference on
Speech-Analyzing Aids for the Deaf, June 14-17, 1967, and was subsequently
published in Upton, H, "Wearable Eyeglass Speechreading Aid," American
Annals of the Deaf, V113, 2 March 1968, pp. 222-229.
- 1968 (F) Douglas Engelbart demonstrates
one-handed chording keyboard in NLS (oN Line System) [SRI]
- At the Fall Joint Computer Conference, Dec 8, 1968, Engelbart
demonstrated the NLS system, one of the first personal computer that paved
the way for both the interactive personal computer and groupware. The
system included one-handed keyboard, word processing, outline processing,
split windows, hypermedia, mouse, shared documents, e-mail filtering,
desktop conferencing, annotation of shared documents, interactive sharing,
quarter sized video sharing, turn taking, and network information.
- 1972 (C) Alan Lewis invents a digital
camera-case computer to predict roulette wheels [Cal Tech]
- Like Thorp and Shannon's system, Lewis used a radio link between data
taker and bettor. The data-taker used the computer to predict the roulette
wheel, then whispered the prediction via radio link to the bettor's
hearing-aid radio-receiver.
- 1977 (C) CC Collins develops wearable
camera-to-tactile vest for the blind [Smith-Kettlewell]
- The result of ten years research, C.C. Collins of the Smith-Kettlewell
Institute of Visual Sciences developed a five pound wearable with a
head-mounted camera that converted images into a 1024-point, 10" square
tactile grid on a vest. The system was tested as a visual prostetic for
the blind. See "Mobile Studies whith a Tactile Imaging Device,"
C.C. Collins, L.A. Scadden, and A.B. Alden, Fourth Conference on Systems &
Devices For The Disabled, June 1-3, 1977, Seatle WA.
- 1977 (C): HP releases the HP 01 algebraic
calculator watch [Hewlett-Packard]
- The HP 01 calculator watch had 28 tiny keys on the watch face. Four
keys were raised for easy finger access (date, alarm, memory and time), and
two were recessed but could still be operated with the fingers
(read/recall/reset and stopwatch). The remaining keys were meant to be
pressed with a stylus that snapped into the clasp of the bracelet. See http://www.hp.com/calculators/history/1977.html
- 1978 (C) Eudaemonic Enterprises invents a digital
wearable computer in a shoe to predict roulette wheels [Eudaemonic Enterprises]
- Using a CMOS 6502 microprocessor with 5K RAM, Eudaemonic Enterprises
(Doyne Farmer, Norman Packard, and others) created a shoe computer with
toe-control and inductive radio communications with between a data taker
and better. This is the only known roulette machine of the time to show a
statistical profit on a gambling run, though they never made the "big
score." See The Eudaemonic Pie, Thomas A. Bass, Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1985.
- 1979 (F) Sony introduces the Walkman [Sony]
- Sony introduces the Walkman, a commercial wearable cassette player. Later
products would include Music CD-players.
- 1980 (F) Upton and Goodman file for patent on LED
raster display [Textron, Inc]
- Hubert Upton and James Goodman filed for a patent on a "vibratory scan
optical display" where fiber-optical elements were driven by LEDs and
scanned with an "electromechanical exciter." The patent was granted in
1982, patent number 311999.
- 1981 (C) Steve Mann designs
backpack-mounted computer to control photographic equipment
- While still in high-school Steve Mann wired a 6502 computer (as used
in the Apple-II) into a steel-frame backpack to control flash-bulbs,
cameras, and other photographic systems. The display was a camera
viewfinder CRT attached to a helmet, giving 40 column text. Input was from
seven microswitches built into the handle of a flash-lamp, and the entire
system (including flash-lamps) was powered by lead-acid batteries.
- 1983 (C) Taft commercializes toe-operated
computers based on Z-80's for counting cards
- At least by 1983, Keith Taft was selling Z-80 based shoe-computers
with special software for card-counting in blackjack. See The
Eudaemonic Pie, Thomas A. Bass, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985.
- 1984 (F) William Gibson writes
- This book founded the genre of Cyberpunk, the dystopian future in
which humans are augmented with computer implants.
- 1986 (C) Steve Roberts builds Winnebiko
II, a recumbent bicycle with on-board computer and chording keyboard
- Winnebiko II was the first of Steve Roberts' forays into nomadic
computing that allowed him to type while riding. It included a packet data
communication system for email via ham radio, an offline HP laptop,
chording keyboard for typing while riding, and 20 watts of solar
panels. The bike was later replaced by BEHEMOTH (Big Electronic
Human-Energized Machine... Only Too Heavy), a more sophisticated system
that included a heads up display. See
- 1987 (F) The movie Terminator is released
- Of special note are the scenes from the point-of-view of the Terminator
cyborg, with text and graphical information overlayed on top of the real world.
- 1989 (F) Private Eye head-mounted display
sold by Reflection Technology [Reflection Tech]
- The display (designated the "P4") is a 720 x 280 pixel monochrome (red)
monitor in a 3.5" X 1.5" X 1.25" package. Screen size is 1.25" on the
diagonal, but the image appears to be a 15" display at 18" away. See http://www.reflection.com/
- 1990 (C) Gerald Maguire and John
Ioannidis demonstrate the Student Electronic Notebook, with Private Eye and
mobile IP [Columbia]
- The IBM/Columbia Student Electronic Notebook Project used Toshiba
diskless AIX notebook computers (prototypes) using direct sequence spread
spectrum radio links to provide, the providing all the usual TCP/IP based
services, NFS mounted file systems, X windows and a stylus based input
systems + virtual keyboard, and running the Andrew environment. The work
was first shown at the DARPA Workshop on Personal Computer Systems,
Washington, D.C., 18 January 1990, and first published in J. Peter Bade,
G.Q. Maguire Jr., and David F. Bantz, The IBM/Columbia Student
Electronic Notebook Project, IBM, T. J. Watson Research Lab., Yorktown
Heights, NY, 29 June 1990
- 1990 (F) Olivetti develops an active
badge system, using infrared signals to communicate a person's location
- Olivetti developed a name badge that transmitted a unique id to IR
receivers placed in rooms around a building. This allowed these "smart
rooms" to track a person's location and log it in a central database. The
badges measured 55x55x7mm, weighed 40g, and could be made extremely
cheaply. See ftp://ftp.orl.co.uk:/pub/docs/ORL/tr.90.2.ps.Z
- 1991 (C) Doug Platt debuts his 286-based
"Hip-PC" [Select Tech]
- Doug Platt's system was a shoebox-sized computer based on the Ampro
"Little Board" XT module. The screen was a Reflection Technology Private
Eye display and the keyboard was an Agenda palmtop used as a chording
keyboard attached to the belt. It included a 1.44 megabyte floppy drive.
Later versions incorporated additional equipment from Park Engineering.
The system debuted at "The Lap and Palmtop Expo" on April 16th, 1991.
- 1991 (C) CMU team develops VuMan 1 for
viewing and browsing blueprint data [CMU]
- Students in a Summer-term course at Carnegie Mellon's Engineering
Design Research Center developed the VuMan 1, a wearable computer for
viewing house blueprints. Input was through a three-button unit worn on
the belt, and output was through Reflection Tech's Private Eye. The CPU
was an 8 MHz 80188 processor with 0.5 MB ROM. See
- 1991 (F) Mark Weiser proposes idea of
Ubiquitous Computing in Scientific American [Xerox PARC]
- Ubiquitous Computing proposes a world in which most everyday objects
have computational devices embedded in them. Weiser's Landmark article,
The Computer for the 21st Century appeared the September 1991
issue of Scientific American, pp 66-75.
- 1993 (C) Thad Starner starts constantly
wearing his computer, based on Doug Platt's design [MIT]
- Starner had attempted previous wearables based on both a TRS-80 model
100 and a SPARC Workstation, but never got them working reliably. When he
heard Doug Platt give a talk at the MIT Media Lab he shifted over to
Platt's system based on a 286 chip. In June '93, Platt and Starner custom
made Starner's first working system with parts from a kit made by Park
Enterprises, a Private Eye display, and the Twiddler chording keyboard made
by Handykey. Many iterations later this system became the MIT "Tin Lizzy" wearable computer design. See http://wearables.www.media.mit.edu/projects/wearables/lizzy/
- 1993 (C) BBN finishes the Pathfinder
system, a wearable computer with GPS and radiation detection system [BBN]
- BBN's Pathfinder system was completed in Fall 1993, and included a
wearable computer, Global Positioning System (GPS), and radiation
detection system.
- 1993 (F) Thad Starner writes first
version of the Remembrance Agent augmented memory software [MIT]
- The Remembrance Agent (RA) was an automated associative memory that
would recommend relevant files from a database, based on whatever notes were
currently being written on a wearable computer. The systems was integrated
into Emacs, and later was rewritten as part of continuing research by Bradley
See http://www.media.mit.edu/~rhodes/Papers/remembrance.html
- 1993 (F) Feiner, MacIntyre, and Seligmann develop
the KARMA augmented reality system [Columbia]
- Steve Feiner, Blair MacIntyre, and Dorée Seligmann at Columbia
University developed KARMA: Knowledge-based Augmented Reality for
Maintenance Assistance. Users would wear a Private Eye display over one
eye, giving an overlay effect when the real world was viewed with both eyes
open. KARMA would overlay wireframe schematics and maintenance
instructions on top of whatever was being repaired. For example, graphical
wireframes on top of a laser printer would explain how to change the paper
tray. The system used sensors attached to objects in the physical world to
determine their locations, and the entire system ran tethered from a
desktop computer. See http://www.cs.columbia.edu/graphics/projects/karma/karma.html
- 1994 (C) Mik Lamming and Mike Flynn develop
"Forget-Me-Not," a continuous personal recording system [Xerox EuroPARC]
- The Forget-Me-Not was a wearable device that would record
interactions with people and devices and store this information in a
database for later query. It interacted via wireless transmitters in rooms
and with equipment in the area to remember who was there, who was being
talked to on the telephone, and what objects were in the room, allowing
queries like "Who came by my office while I was on the phone to Mark?"
- 1994 (C) Edgar Matias debuts a "wrist
computer" with half-QWERTY keyboard [UofT]
- Built by Edgar Matias and Mike Ruicci of the University of Toronto,
this "wrist computer" presented an alternative approach to the emerging
HUD + chord keyboard wearable. The system was built from a modified
HP 95LX palmtop computer and a Half-QWERTY one-handed keyboard.
With the keyboard and display modules strapped to the operator's forearms,
text could be entered by bringing the the wrists together and typing. The
system debuted at the CHI-94 conference in Boston, and is now being
productized under the the name "half keyboard".
The same technology was used by IBM researchers to create a "belt computer"
-- see:
- 1994 (F) DARPA starts Smart Modules Program
- DARPA starts Smart Modules Program to develop a modular, humionic
approach to wearable and carryable computers. Develops a variety of
products including computers, radios, navigation systems,
human-computer interfaces, etc. that have both military and commercial
use. See http://web-ext2.darpa.mil/ETO/SmartMod/index.html
- 1994 (F) Steve Mann starts transmitting
images from a head-mounted camera to the Web [MIT]
- In December 1994, Steve Mann developed the "Wearable Wireless Webcam."
Webcam transmitted images point-to-point from a head-mounted analog camera
to an SGI base station via amateur TV frequencies. The images were
processed by the base station and displayed on a webpage in near real-time.
(The system was later extended to transmit processed video back from the
base station to a heads-up display and was used in augmented reality
experiments performed with Thad Starner.)
- 1996 (F) DARPA sponsors "Wearables in
2005" workshop
- This July, 1996 workshop brought together industrial, university and
military visionaries to work on the common theme of delivering computing to
the individual.
- 1996 (F) Boeing hosts wearables
conference in Seatle
- Boeing hosted a small conference on wearable computing August 19-21,
1996. In attendance were researchers and administrators from industry,
academia, and independent laboratories. Several vendors of displays,
speech recognition systems, and full wearable computers were also present.
There were 204 people registered for the event.
- 1997 (F) Creapôle
Ecole de Création and Alex Pentland produce Smart Clothes Fashion Show
- The fashion show was a design collaboration between the students and
faculty of Creapôle Ecole de Création (Paris) and Prof. Alex
Pentland (M.I.T., Boston), with the goal of envisioning the impending
marriage of fashion and wearable computers. Beginning in April 1996,
designs were iterated and clothes produced, with the final runway
fashion show was held at the Pompidou Center in Paris in February
- 1997 (F) CMU, MIT, and Georgia Tech co-host the first
IEEE International Symposium on Wearables Computers
- CMU, MIT, and Georgia Tech co-hosted the IEEE International Symposium
on Wearables Computers in Cambridge, MA October 13-14, 1997. The symposium
was a full academic conference with published proceedings and papers
ranging from sensors and new hardware to new applications for wearable
computers. There were 382 people registered for this event. See http://iswc.gatech.edu/wearcon97/default.htm