
Ive got a six-petal ring for my interface. OK, I admit, Ive got more than one ring - Ive actually got around ten different models (a girl needs a wardrobe, after all). Its no big deal because accessories for wearables are pretty cheap: all the important parts are in the base unit that I wear around my waist. The ring allows me to control volume, channels and functions by pressing the petals in a certain order. The ring also responds to certain hand motions, and if I wag my finger just so, my system knows not to bug me. Depending on my mood, I decide how accessible I want to be and I let the system know through my ring. It does the rest.
Old computers were a hassle because they were pretty dumb and you had to tell them exactly what to do. Wearables are situation aware, and the more I use them, the more they learn about me. For example, my phone interface has just learned that if Im with my new boyfriend and my mother calls, the call goes directly to voicemail. Cool or what?
