Want more information about Project Voyager? We've assembled a collection of documents about this project in addition to a list of relevant research papers and links to other related web sites. |
Thesis & Publications |
Project Voyager: Building an
Internet Presence for People, Places, and Things Wesley Chan, Masters Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (May 18, 2001) Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (1.93 mb) |
DealFinder: A Collaborative,
Location-Aware Mobile Shopping Application Wesley Chan - Short paper submitted to the CHI 2001 conference (Dec. 2000). Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (47 kb) |
Project Documents |
Project Voyager Description A brief, one-page description that discusses Project Voyager's objectives. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (84 kb) |
Personal Shopping Assistant Assembly
Schematic A schematic describing how a Voyager PSA device is assembled. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (100 kb) |
Project Voyager Scenarios A planning document outlining several pervasive computing scenarios. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (55kb) |
Project Voyager Components Diagram An planning document that graphs out an early architecture for Project Voyager. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (63kb) |
Other Relevant Projects and Papers |
Cooltown: Building a Web Presence
for People, Places, and Things Mobile Systems and Services Lab, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Web Site: http://www.cooltown.com/dev/ |
CyberGuide: A Mobile Context-Aware Tour
Guide Gregory Abowd, Christopher Atkeson, Jason Hong, Sue Long, Rob Kooper & Mike Pinkerton, ACM Wireless Networks 3 (1997) 421-433. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (from the ACM Digital Library Site, requires account) |
Developing a Context-aware Electronic
Tourist Guide: Some Issues and Experiences Keith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell, Adrian Friday, & Christos Efstratiou, CHI 2000 Letters, vol. 2, issue (Apr. 1-6, 2000). 17-24. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File (from the ACM Digital Library Site, requires account) |
Location-aware information delivery with comMotion Natalia Marmasse and Chris Schmadt, HUC 2000 Proceedings (2000), 51-157. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File |
Impulse: Location-based Agent Assistance Jim Youll, Joan Morris, Raffi Krikorian & Pattie Maes. Software Demos, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (June 2000), Barcelona, Spain. Download: Adobe Acrobat .PDF File |
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