MIThril Inference Engine

Richard W. DeVaul
MIThril, a borglab production. Richard W. DeVaul, Jonathan Gips, Michael Sung, Sandy Pentland
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The MIThril Inference Engine is an attempt to develop a simple, clean architecture for applying statistical machine learning techniques to the modeling and classification of body-worn sensor data. The important design features of the system are simplicity, modularity, flexibility, and implementability under tight resource constraints.

The MIThril inference engine exists as a collection of software tools. The training side is implemented in MatLab and runs on desktop hardware. (We have a Gaussian Mixture Modeling Tutorial available online -- download the tutorial here in tar.gz format or zip format.)

The modeling and classification side exists as a collection of software tools that run in real-time on the MIThril hardware platform -- see the inference section of the MIThril CVS repository

One of the first projects implemented using the MIThril inference engine is an accelerometer-based motion classification system; for more information see the real-time motion classification project paper by Rich DeVaul and Steve Dunn.

This page provides a simplified, non-technical overview of the real-time modeling and classification side of the MIThril inference engine. A more detailed and technical treatment is described in a forthcoming white paper.


The MIThril Inference Engine architecture is divided into four distinct processes or levels:
  1. Sensing
  2. Feature Extraction
  3. Modeling
  4. Context Classification
The arrows in the diagram represent information flow, starting with the "World" and ending with the application. At each level a distinct operation is performed that facilitates the process of the next.


The user's world is complex. The only things we can know are what we measure thorough sensors or are explicitly told.

The process of measuring the "analog" world produces a sequence of discrete "digital" observations. For any particular modeling task, this digital signal contains some useful information and some extraneous information.

For example, a three-axis accelerometer produces measurements that combine "true" acceleration, some systematic bias, and some random noise.

Feature Extraction

The first step in creating a model is deciding what features to use. Features are "derived measurements" that extract model-specific information from raw signals.

We can often simplify a modeling task by transforming raw observations into a form that is more appropriate for a particular modeling task.

For example, features that use a pitch/energy representation might be more appropriate for a speaker-identification modeling task than raw audio samples.


We use statistical machine learning techniques to create generative and discriminative models. These models turn features into probabilities or classifications.

For each context we want to model, a generative or discriminative model is created. These models allow us to answer the question "which state is the user in," or "how likely is state X?"

Our initial focus is creating simple Gaussian mixture models or SVM classifiers, though more complex models (such as HMMs or hierarchical mixture models) are also possible.

Context Classification

The context classification system provides the means to combine the results of independent models and classifiers in a natural and efficient way. These classifications are the output of the MIThril Inference Engine.

Rarely will there be a one-to-one correspondence between the output of a single model or classifier and an action to be taken. For real-world applications, the description of context must be both expressive and natural.

The context classification system allows "context rules" to be specified in natural probabilistic language, such as "if it is a weekday and it is after 5pm and it is very likely that I am leaving the office, my action context is going home from work"


Action, or the result of context classification, is left up to the application. However, applications may interact with the MIE by creating new context classification rules, models, or features.

An important class of action is one that provokes a user interaction, which in turn effects the user's state and hence the "world."