**UPDATE Winter '04: I graduated from MIT in June, and I am now doing postgraduate work in the School of Fashion and Textiles at Central St. Martins College of Art and Design in London, UK. My new contact info is located at the bottom**

Hello! I'm an undergraduate researcher in the Wearables Group at the MIT Media Laboratory. My primary research interests involve the intersection of fashion and technology: using technology as a tool in both the garment design process and the finished product. I also do a large amount of hardware hacking for the latest and next generation MIThril systems.

Prior to joining the Wearables Group, I did research in interface design at the Media Lab's Aesthetics and Computation Group under John Maeda, and in biological computation at the Synthetic Biology Group in the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab (now CSAIL) with Tom Knight. My professional experience includes supercomputer engineering for IBM and asynchronous circuit testing at Sun Labs. More details can be found in my CV.

SAK2 Testing and Development

BioBoard Testing and Development

MIThril 2003 UI

MIThril 2003 Integrated Design Concept

Garment Design and Modeling in Mayaź

If you have questions, suggestions, or thoughts about my work please feel free to get in touch.

Email: maron@alum.mit.edu
Phone: +44 (0)207 221 5292