Ekblaw, Ariel, Asaph Azaria, John D. Halamka, and Andrew Lippman. "A Case Study for Blockchain in Healthcare:“MedRec” prototype for electronic health records and medical research data." (2016).
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Aug. 31, 2016
Ekblaw, Ariel, Asaph Azaria, John D. Halamka, and Andrew Lippman. "A Case Study for Blockchain in Healthcare:“MedRec” prototype for electronic health records and medical research data." (2016).
MedRec Whitepaper (including technical design, prototype description and EHR landscape analysis), selected by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology as a winning whitepaper in their "Use of Blockchain in Health IT and Health-Related Research" Ideation Challenge, August 2016.