S.C. Nanayakkara, R. Shilkrot, Pattie Maes
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May 5, 2012
S.C. Nanayakkara, R. Shilkrot, Pattie Maes
Finger-worn interfaces are a vastly unexplored space for interaction design. It opens a world of possibilities for solving day-to-day problems, for visually impaired people and sighted people. In this work we present EyeRing, a novel design and concept of a finger-worn device. We show how the proposed system may serve for numerous applications for visually impaired people such as recognizing currency notes and navigating, as well as helping sighted people to tour an unknown city or intuitively translate signage. The ring apparatus is autonomous, however it is counter parted by a mobile phone or computation device to which it connects wirelessly, and an earpiece for information retrieval. Finally, we will discuss how finger worn sensors may be extended and applied to other domains.