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Batteryless, Wireless, and Secure SoC for Implantable Strain Sensing

M. R. Abdelhamid, U. Ha, U. Banerjee, F. Adib and A. P. Chandrakasan, "Batteryless, Wireless, and Secure SoC for Implantable Strain Sensing," in IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society, vol. 3, pp. 41-51, 2023, doi: 10.1109/OJSSCS.2022.3230000.


The past few years have witnessed a growing interest in wireless and batteryless implants, due to their potential in long-term biomedical monitoring of in-body conditions, such as internal organ movements, bladder pressure, and gastrointestinal health. Early proposals for batteryless implants relied on inductive near-field coupling and ultrasound harvesting, which require direct contact between the external power source and the human body. To overcome this near-field challenge, recent research has investigated the use of RF backscatter in wireless micro-implants because of its ability to communicate with wireless receivers that are placed at a distance outside the body (∼0.5 m), allowing a more seamless user experience. Unfortunately, existing far-field backscatter designs remain limited in their functionality: they cannot perform biometric sensing or secure data transmission; they also suffer from degraded harvesting efficiency and backscatter range due to the impact of variations in the surrounding tissues. In this article, we present the design of a batteryless, wireless and secure system-on-chip (SoC) implant for in-body strain sensing. The SoC relies on four features: 1) employing a reconfigurable in-body rectenna which can operate across tissues adapting its backscatter bandwidth and center frequency; 2) designing an energy efficient 1.37 mmHg strain sensing front-end with an efficiency of 5.9 mmHg ⋅ nJ/conversion; 3) incorporating an AES-GCM security engine to ensure the authenticity and confidentiality of sensed data while sharing the ADC with the sensor interface for an area-efficient random number generation; 4) implementing an over-the-air closed-loop wireless programming scheme to reprogram the RF front-end to adapt for surrounding tissues and the sensor front-end to achieve faster settling times below 2 s.

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