Can you ever be what you say and say what you are?
Can your speech genuinely represent yourself and convey your thoughts and meaning?
Does your speech hold your thoughts and intended meaning?
Every word spoken out loud can lose its original intent and meaning once it departs from your mouth and is transferred to any media to be heard, leaving you with a sense of detachment when you hear your recorded voice.
Sometimes, I feel disconnected from myself when I hear what I have just spoken out loud.
Is that really what I wanted to say?
Is that truly what I have been thinking?
Have I ever even thought about this before?
Once your voice is out, it no longer belongs to you.
This interactive art installation creates a strange feeling as if you are speaking to yourself in a soliloquy while having the presence of an invisible entity that might be you or not. The automated typewriter recognizes your speech and translates it into Morse code, excluding the words 'I' and 'you' and those letters. It creates a new perception of distance and captures the moment of losing authority over your own thoughts.