Spelman: Spelman College is a distinguished Black Women’s college in Atlanta. Nationally, twenty-three percent (23%) of the Black Women in STEM graduate from Spelman College. With their Innovation Center at Spelman, we piloted a two-way Long Distance Learning course in coding, microcontrollers (MaKey MaKey and Arduino), and digital fabrication. Students received credit for the course. For the course, we authored and designed Experiential Learning Tutorials which we first taught to our Spelman teaching counterpart, Dr. Jerry Volcy. He heads Spelman’s Innovation Center. The final products of the course were fabricated interactive lamps, and fabricated digital musical instruments.
The course allowed us to test our Pilot design for a “Television Studio in a Suitcase” (TSS) broadcast system. TSS is an affordable, miniaturized and portable interactive broadcast system. It enables us to teach technology online from anywhere. It works. In the next series at Spelman, we will teach Robotics and Mechatronics.