As the world moves towards urbanization, infrastructure in cities is becoming increasingly burdensome, centralized, and complex. By 2050, the UN expects that 68% of the world's population will be living in urban areas. Considering a projected population of 6.3 billion, we would require $57 trillion USD, an unachievable amount which would exceed the combined annual GDP of the US, China, and Europe. In addition, 90% of this urbanization is expected to take place in Africa and Asia, as rapid urbanized-informal communities [REF], which makes the development of traditional infrastructure even more challenging.
At the City Science group, we pose an opportunity to rethink current models and invent new systems and strategies for a more livable, equitable, and resilient futures for human-centric communities. We explore new, fully distributed, low-cost strategies to provide communities with energy, clean water, sanitation, internet, and others.