The LEGO Wayfinder project combines LEGO, robotics, and seawater into a playground of project-based learning and citizen science for budding engineers and explorers. As part of this outreach program, our team has developed a first prototype of a buildable LEGO marine exploration vehicle kit—addressing some of the design challenges of building for the underwater context.
Our aim is to build an awareness of the state of the aquatic environment and instill a greater responsibility in shaping our interactions with the environment. To do so, young people will view underwater wonders of the world with their robots and get outside to explore their local waterway. Our approach embraces Seymour Papert’s model of "low floors" (where getting started is easy), and "high ceilings," where students can pour their time and collaborative work efforts into creative engineering solutions to carry out a marine science experiment of their own design in the field.
Going forward, we will be developing the next prototype focusing on watertight sensors and the ease and operability of the underwater build kit allowing for even more playful and creative transformations when in the hands of the students. With future prototypes we will adapt this programming for wider student audiences in after-school programs, classrooms, libraries, and community-based mentor clubs for youth.