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Prior MS Theses

Here is a sampling of MS theses.It is a good idea to have models on which to base your thesis. All theses are measured both by thoroughness…



A FerroMagnetic Suit For Zero Gravity // Grounding Humans without Gravity


▓▒░ TeleAbsence



Wearables for Orientation, Wearables for Communication

A space architecture project for the Mechanical Artifact: Ultra Space course in partnership with the Center for Collaborative Arts and Medi…


The Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit

By Rachel BellisleOverview:The Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit (GLCS or “Skinsuit”) is an intravehicular activity suit for astronau…


Space Vase

A space architecture project for the Mechanical Artifact: Ultra Space course in partnership with the Center for Collaborative Arts and Medi…


Space Exploration Initiative at Ars Electronica

Our collaboration with Ars Electronica Festival Ars Electronica is one of the world’s most renowned festivals focusing on art, science…


Puzzle Box

A space architecture project for the Mechanical Artifact: Ultra Space course in partnership with the Center for Collaborative Arts and Medi…


Fluid Expressions - Art and Craft in Microgravity

When imagining human life in space, how will we express our humanity and creativity in an alien environment? Can the art we make both refle…


Antiracism & Technology Design Research Seminar Series

The Antiracism & Technology Design Research Seminar Series hosts speakers from around the world who center issues of race, intersection…


Scalable and Ultra-Low Power Ocean IoT

We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of 𝑈2𝐵, a technology that enables scalable ad ultra-low power ocean IoT.  At the…


RF-SCG: Contactless heart recording

RF-SCG is a new system that can capture seismocardiogram (SCG) recordings without requiring any contact with the human body. Such an u…


PAB-QAM: Higher-Order Modulation for Underwater Backscatter

PAB-QAM  is a new system that achieves higher-order modulation with the current PAB sensor design. PAB relies on the piezoelectric eff…


Battery-Free Underwater GPS

Can we build a battery-free underwater GPS? While underwater localization is a long-studied problem,  we seek to bring it to batt…


Responsive Science

Responsive Science is a way of conducting research that invites openness and community involvement from the earliest stages of each project…


Evolving Decoy ACE2 Receptor Mimics As COVID-19 Therapeutics

COVID-19 has over only a few short months resulted in the deaths of >400,000 people worldwide (as of mid-June 2020) and has forced many …


Tapis Magique: A Choreomusical Interactive Carpet

Ancient textiles have played a major role in the social, economic, and religious structures of communities around the world. Iconic, indige…


Dyadic Speech-based Affect Recognition

Dyadic Speech-based Affect Recognition using DAMI-P2C Parent-child Multimodal Interaction Dataset


Tod Machover: Operas 1987-2014

This brief excerpt video shows a glimpse of some of Tod Machover’s innovative, unusual opera realized at—and with the collaboration of—the …


Talking Drums

“The Talking Drums” is a sound installation where we created a modular system for sending images through rhythmic patterns. It is an encryp…


Panoptic Journey

Imagine if you want to travel to a destination and once you are there hear only car horns, or see only blue, or feel a single spectral colo…



MM-RT is a tabletop tangible musical interface that employs electromagnetic actuators and small permanent magnets to physically induce soun…



Interneternity is a dynamic musical composition built into the World Wide Web. The Internet changed the way that we listen to music, b…


Ultra-sensitive electrical biosensors for point-of-care applications

For more details and recent updates visit:  https://web.mit.edu/deblina-sarkar/Sensors, especially biosensors, are indispensable …


Ultra-Scalable and Energy-Efficient Nanoelectronics

Electronics are ubiquitous in today’s world, with applications ranging from smart cities to health care, defense, economy, government, educ…


Nanoscale mapping of bio-molecular building blocks of brain

For more details and recent updates visit:  https://web.mit.edu/deblina-sarkar/For understanding the brain structure, it is neces…


Scaling Science: Using Data to Find “Hidden Gem” Research

The current system of scientific recognition and funding has significant bias towards work published in the top few percent of journal…


Rational Engineering of Proteins with Deep Learning

Designing protein inhibitors for a protein target using a combination of deep learning and high throughput wetlab screens.


Participatory Sensemaking

How might we collect rich and complex data from community dialogues, analyze and make sense of that data? How might we design outputs …


Creative Learning Challenge Brazil / Desafio Aprendizagem Criativa Brazil

The Creative Learning Challenge Brazil is a fellowship program of the Brazilian Creative Learning Network. Supported by the Lemann Foundati…


Searchlight: Tracking Light in Space

In this experiment, I used 5 phototransistors to locate the position of a light source on a 2D plane, and drove interactive demos via seria…


From CAD to JAD (JavaScript-Aided-Design)

An Introduction to using JavaScript as a computer-aided design tool for fabrication.


Wearable Sanitizer: Open-source, On-body Sanitizer

Regular disinfection of hands and frequently touched surfaces is a critical factor in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and diso…


Wearable Reasoner: AI Agents for Intelligence Augmentation

Wearable Reasoner: Towards Enhanced Human Rationality through a Wearable AI AssistantWe present "Wearable Reasoner," a proof-of-concep…



Appropriate and adaptive treatment plans are challenging in Parkinson’s disease for several reasons.  parkinsAI models drug response a…


EmbER (Embodied Experience Remotely)

EmbER (Embodied Experience Remotely) explores the use of wearable sensory devices, communicating nonverbal signals, as an additional commun…


Cognitive Illusions and VR

This work explores the design of techniques based on the cognitive illusion of "inattentional blindness" which is a failure to notice somet…


Pandemic Supermind Activation

The Pandemic Supermind Activation brings together leaders in the biosciences and beyond, harnessing the power of h…


Pandemic Response CoLab

Pandemic Response CoLab will help individuals and groups work together to solve practical problems created by the COVID-19 pandemic. By lev…


Pandemic Response Catalyst Conversations

The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, MIT Media Lab’s Community Biotechnology Initiative, and MilliporeSigma—the life …


Resilience Across Scales

Resilience Across Scales is a research theme that encompasses the work of a few Media Lab Principal Investigators and their research groups…


City Science Network

MIT City Science has developed an international network of cooperative City Science LabsWe are developing concepts and key technology that …


DISCO: Dynamic and Invariant Sensitive Channel Obfuscation for deep neural networks

Recent deep learning models have shown remarkable performance in image classification. While these deep learning systems are getting closer…


Computation Ear Imaging

Computation photography applied to imaging the middle ear for infections.


Biplanar Fluoroscopy Gait Analysis

Biplanar fluoroscopy (BiFlo) enables three-dimensional bone kinematics analysis using x-ray videos and bone geometry from segmented CT. Hin…


A Two-Degree-of-Freedom Powered Ankle-Foot Prosthesis

Powered ankle prostheses have been proven to improve the walking economy of transtibial amputees although these powered systems are usually…


Predicting Driver Self-Reported Stress by Analyzing the Road Scene

Different approaches and models have been used to detect driver’s stress and affective states, using physiology, facial expression, and sel…


Emotion Navigation for Kids

There is a consensus that the hospital experience is stressful for children and leads to anxiety and fear.  Long term effects of stres…


Large Population Models: Orchestrating a Billion Agents

Our world stands at the cusp of an unprecedented transformation. As billions of AI agents begin to augment human society, we face a fundame…


The Indoor-Training Effect: Unexpected gains from distribution shifts in the transition function

Would you train for a tennis match in chaotic outdoor conditions from day one, or would you first perfect your fundamentals in a controlled…


Gastronomy and Beyond | SESSION 4 - Spring 2025

Gastronomy and Beyond (G+B) aims to unite individuals who contribute to innovation in the realms of culture, products, territories, sustain…


Zero-knowledge (ZK) Tax

zkTax is a zero-knowledge tax disclosure system that allows individuals to make provable claims about select information in their tax retur…


Algorithmic Inheritance: Surname Bias in AI Decisions Reinforces Intergenerational Inequality

Pat Pataranutaporn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USANattavudh Powdthavee, Nanyang Technological Universi…


MemPal: Wearable Memory Assistant for Aging Population

We're living in an aging society with cognitive loss placing stress on caregivers to monitor older adults struggling with memory decline.&n…


ReMotion: Wearable Voice Journaling for Cognitive Reappraisal

ReMotion is a wearable voice journaling system that leverages AI-driven memory retrieval to support cognitive reappraisal and emotiona…


MeMic: Socially Acceptable Audio Recording Wearable

MeMicWearables that record audio all the time pose privacy concerns. We want to allow the myriad use cases these wearables allow without th…


Re·Live: Recreating Past Environments as Immersive Walkable Virtual Reality Spaces

What if you could go back in time to your childhood homes? Or what if you could revisit an old vacation spot that you once visited? Or even…