- Blockchain Symposium- Saudi Arabia (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2018) link to the event: http://gulfchain.me/)
- 2018 Winter Youth Assembly at the United Nations (New York, USA, 2018) “Blockchain Technologies and Healthcare” panel (link to the event: https://www.youthassembly.nyc/)
- Blockchain in Healthcare West Coast (San Fransisco CA, USA, 2018) entitled: “Building Fine-Grained Blockchains for Patient-Centered Healthcare Delivery Model” (link to event: https://www.blockchainhealthcare-west.com/
- MGMT E-5408 Breakthrough Innovation with Blockchain Technology- Harvard Extension School Course (Cambridge, USA, 2017) Interview entitled: “Building Healthy Blockchains” (link to interview: https://youtu.be/IsBRg5a1VdU)
- Blockchain in Healthcare (Boston MA, USA, 2017) entitled: “Building a Healthy Blockchain for Legacy Systems in Modern Healthcare” (link to event: https://www.blockchainhealthcare17.com/
- Science Collaboration Symposium on Cyber Security (Manchester, UK, 2017) entitled: “Towards a Secure Modern Healthcare: Projects, Challenges, and Promises”