Imagination and Inspiration for the next 40 years of Human Flourishing!
The 40 for 40 campaign celebrates the MIT Media Lab's 40th anniversary in 2025, aiming to secure $40 million in additional support. Creating tomorrow's innovations today, the MIT Media Lab develops transformative technologies for a sustainable and equitable future.
Here's how MIT and Media Lab alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations can contribute to shaping this future:
Inventing future academic fields at MIT and enhancing a legacy of continual innovation
One significant avenue for contributing to this future is through the support of professorships. By contributing $10+ million, benefactors can aid in establishing faculty positions across several critical areas. These areas include Cultivating Creativity, where artistic and creative innovations are nurtured; Creative Learning, which reimagines educational methods; Life with AI, focusing on transformative human experiences through AI; health and wellbeing, including a focus on women's health; Energy and Climate research in line with MIT's Climate Project initiatives; and Exploration from oceans to space. Such funding secures the future of these fields at the Media Lab and MIT and allows the creation of Named Professorships and a Named Directorship, thus cementing a legacy of continual innovation.
Nurturing future leaders and sustained investment in intellectual growth
Equally pivotal is the support for graduate student fellowships, where $10+ million can provide equitable educational opportunities for exceptional graduate students. The plan includes offering 40 fellowships over the next decade, supporting four scholars annually with significant funding aimed at nurturing future leaders who are well-prepared to tackle global challenges. Additionally, the endowment of two Named Media Lab Fellowships ensures a sustained investment in intellectual growth and innovation.
Continued research leadership across sectors
The Director’s Innovation Fund is another critical element, with a focus on fostering cutting-edge research and collaborative projects. With a commitment of $10+ million, this fund is dedicated to exploring new research avenues, enabling the Media Lab to remain at the forefront of technological and societal advancements. This proactive approach ensures that the Media Lab continues to be a leader in innovation across various sectors.
Leading transformative and impactful research
Lastly, Flagship Research Initiatives are vital for ensuring continuous impact in areas crucial for human betterment. With another $10+ million, these initiatives can further research in designing AI for humanity, enhancing health and wellbeing, and promoting sustainable practices in oceans, cities, and space. The establishment of named research funds and provision for current-use research support reinforces the Lab's role in leading transformative and impactful research.
Contributions of All Sizes
Donations of any amount are welcome and can be designated to the Media Lab Director’s Innovation Fund for strategic use.