
Hector Astrom wins 2024 Outstanding UROP Award


Photo courtesy of Hector Astrom

Photo courtesy of Hector Astrom

Hector Astrom, an undergraduate researcher in the Affective Computing group, is the recipient of the 2024 MIT Outstanding UROP Student Award—First-Year Undergraduate. Hector was nominated for his work on the Sound(e)scape project, in which he collaborated with Affective Computing postdoctoral fellow Alaa Algargoosh.  

On working with Hector, Algargoosh says, "Hector has shown exceptional dedication to the project, embracing the freedom and uncertain environment of research with enthusiasm. His work on the Sound(e)scape project during the IAP (Independent Activities Period) stands as a testament to his rapid growth as a student and researcher. One of Hector's notable strengths is his ability to effectively communicate his research findings. He has presented his work with clarity, demonstrating an excellent understanding of a new research area. He also asked critical questions that shaped the direction of the research project."


Photo courtesy of Alaa Algargoosh

The Outstanding UROP Student Awards recognize students who have made outstanding contributions as undergraduate researchers through MIT's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.  Recipients are nominated by their supervisors, who may be faculty members, researchers, postdocs, or graduate students; each year, one student from each of MIT's schools is selected to receive the award.

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