6. You're in the home stretch! Each bold item listed below corresponds to a line item on the work order form.
Short description: Enter the name of the event.
Special Instructions: Cut and paste the italic text (listed below) into this text box. Alter the text to accommodate your event's specific needs. Sample text for a variety of events can be found at this link.
- Custodial: Vacuum and spot clean the carpet as needed. Clean and restock the bathrooms. Take out the trash/recycling/compost after event.
- MIT Grounds: Place trash/recycling/compost bins around needed room. Include XX number of each bin.
- Room setup/breakdown: Please have “Your Move” set up and reset the furniture as shown in the attached plan.
When entering room set up and break down information, remember:
- To list the room # and the amount/type of furniture for each room
- To have a pdf copy of the the seating plan ready to attach to the next page of the work order
Cost Object: Enter the cost object that will be used to pay for the work orders. This is the only valid form of payment.
Creator info: This section is automatically populated with your information. Do not make any changes to this information. Please add the E14/E15 Scheduling team to the cc: line using the following email address: e14e15scheduler@media.mit.edu
Requestor Info: If you're filling out this work order on behalf of the event host, then this is the place to list the event host's contact information. This person must be a member of the MIT community with a valid MIT email address. This is the person to whom questions will be directed during the event.
Click "Submit" (And yes, you haven't attached the seating plans yet.)