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David Silverman Photography
Attendance at this event is by invitation only.
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8:00 | registration + breakfast
9:00 | welcome to the Lab!
Pattie Maes, Deb Roy
Andy Lippman, Hiroshi Ishii
9:15 | session 1
Canan Dagdeviren, Conformable Decoders
Ed Boyden, Synthetic Neurobiology
Kevin Esvelt, Sculpting Evolution
Nabeel Gillani, Juliana Nazaré, Martin Saveski, and Anneli Hershman, Social Machines
10:15 | session 2
Andrew Lippman, Viral Communications
Ekene Ijeoma, Poetic Justice
Mitch Resnick, Lifelong Kindergarten
Tod Machover, Opera of the Future
11:15 | break
11:30 | session 3
Szymon Fedor and Natasha Jaques, Affective Computing
Ethan Zuckerman, Civic Media
Hiroshi Ishii, Tangible Media
Zach Lieberman, Future Sketches
12:30 | collaborations
Toppan / Yokogawa / NHK / Tangible Media Group
12:45 | lunch
1:30 | lab explorations
3:30 | workshops
5:00 | reception