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Past Member

Tomas Vega Galvez

Former Research Assistant

Targeted dream incubation at sleep onset increases post-sleep creative performance

Horowitz*, A.H., Esfahany*, K., Gálvez, T.V. et al. Targeted dream incubation at sleep onset increases post-sleep creative performance. Sci Rep 13, 7319 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-31361-w


Dream engineering: Simulating worlds through sensory stimulation

Carr, Michelle, Adam Haar, Judith Amores, Pedro Lopes, Guillermo Bernal, Tomás Vega, Oscar Rosello, Abhinandan Jain, and Pattie Maes. "Dream engineering: Simulating worlds through sensory stimulation." Consciousness and cognition 83 (2020): 102955.


Byte.it: Discreet Teeth Gestures for Mobile Device Interaction

Tomás Vega Gálvez, Shardul Sapkota, Alexandru Dancu, Pattie Maes, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI’19 Extended Abstracts), May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages, https://doi.org/10.1145/3290607.3312925


Towards Personalized Medicine: The Evolution of Imperceptible Health-Care Technologies

Tasnim, F., Sadraei, A., Datta, B., Khan, M., Choi, K.Y., Sahasrabudhe, A., Alfonso Vega Galvez, T., Wicaksono, I., Rosello, O., Lopez, C., Dagdeviren. C.†, Foresight, 20(6), 589-601, 2018.