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A 1-day conference to launch the AHA research program
We are pleased to invite our members to an exclusive event showcasing the work of the MIT Media Lab.
Human-AI Interaction for Augmented ReasoningImproving Human Reflective and Critical Thinking with Artificial IntelligenceApril 26, 2025 | 9…
A number of Media Lab community members are presenting work at NeurIPS 2024.
The Women's Health Fall Forum on October 24 at the MIT Media Lab is an exclusive convening of pioneering scientists, physicians, investors,…
Professor Pattie Maes will talk in a panel about the importance of understanding how the use of AI impacts people.
Join us as we provide learning opportunities on how emerging technologies, particularly AI, can impact business and emphasize the importan…
Professor Pattie Maes and Media Lab PhD candidate Pat Pataranutaporn are invited to present at the following KBTG Techtopia event on July 18
Media Lab researchers invited to showcase their work at the Wall Street Journal's "Future of Everything" festival 2024.
A variety of Media Lab community members will participate in the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Agenda for Monday, February 26, 2024 (Agendas are subject to change)This event is by invitation only, and a referral by Media Lab member co…
The Media Lab hosted the AI + Creativity session, as part of MIT Generative AI Week.
A number of Media Lab researchers and alumni are participating in UIST 2023.
A variety of Media Lab community members will participate in the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
IFT celebrated its launch with a press conference, a research conference, and an evening of interactive arts performances.
As knowledge around bio-digital interaction continues to unfold, there are new opportunities for HCI researchers to integrate biology as a …
An evening of content and conversation around generative ai applications and solutions.
This interactive event will highlight insights and recent research from the MIT Media Lab over the course of three days in Bangkok, Thailand
Watch the video: Pattie Maes, Andy Lippman, and a host of special guests and Media Lab researchers take a deep dive into generative AI.
The second global machine olfaction technologies conference
SpaceCHI 2.0: Advancing Human-Computer Interaction for Space ExplorationA Workshop at ACM CHI 2022 / Hybrid Workshop on May 1, 2022&nb…
AI-Generated Characters: Putting Deepfakes to Good UseHybrid Workshop on April 30, 2022 at ACM CHI 2022AI-generated characters (more …
Hosted by the MIT Media Lab with NTT DATA. Captioned video available now!
Greg Daniels, an Emmy award-winning writer, showrunner, producer and director will give a talk “Imagining an Anoitopia” at the M…
Faculty Perspectives is a new series inviting thoughtful speakers and innovators to inspire the Media Lab community and beyond.
Professor Pattie Maes and her students will discuss their research on sleep and dream engineering for applications in memory, health, and w…
Kate Darling, Cynthia Breazeal, and Pattie Maes of the Media Lab join Patricia Henderson for a conversation about extended intelligence.
Explore the Media Lab research presented at UbiComp 2021!
This Special Interest Group is a venue for the first gathering of the community, offering an opportunity for networking and discussions.
Space travel and becoming an interplanetary species have always been part of humanity’s greatest imaginings.
A variety of Media Lab community members will be participating in the virtual 2021 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Our aim is to shed light on the importance of experiential integration and provide researchers with a scientifically driven foundation for
A SIG on Physiological I/O that will consolidate successful practices and identify research challenges to address as a community.
Panelists with diverse backgrounds will discuss their shared or diverging visions on the future of human-AI interaction design.
About the workshopThe home is a place of shelter, a place for family, and for separation from other parts of life, such as work. Global cha…
Virtual MIT Space Week: Beyond the Cradle 2021We explore the vision of closed-loop bio-digital interfaces for human augmentation, where the…
Join this ML Perspectives segment, hosted by Professor Pattie Maes, where Juan Enriquez will discuss ethics and technology.
Register and Add to Calendar via ZoomAdd to Calendar (for those unable to use Zoom. Please also use the form below instead)Join u…
The MIT Media Lab is a community centered around research and invention—a place that builds ideas to change the world. As a valued member o…
Open Learning Talks bring together leaders to discuss new research-based ideas, technologies, and efforts in education, at MIT and the world
The following Media Lab community members participated in the thirty-fourth virtual conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
The virtual Cambridge CHI event, which is student-run and open to the public, is happening May 14-15th from 11am–2pm EDT.
The Wearable Biotech workshop aims to explore the vision of bio-digital interfaces in, on, and around the body.
The following Media Lab community members are participating in the 2020 conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
The exhibition includes work from a number of Media Lab researchers and alumni.
The following Media Lab community members are participating in the thirty-third conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
Biodesign—the future of materials, manufacturing, architecture, and fashion.
Media Lab faculty speak at Xapiens kickoff event
SPACE² WORKSHOPVisit event page here!The Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH) and the MIT Media Lab Space Exploration …
The first workshop on Dream Engineering took place on January 28 and 29, 2019 at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, MA. The workshop brou…
Robotic SymbiontsCommittee:Pattie Maes, MIT Media LabJoseph Paradiso, MIT Media LabGil Weinberg, Georgia TechAbstractThroughout history we …
Join us to explore possibilities and applications of technologies for augmenting and upgrading human capability over the next 10+ years.
Dissertation Defense for Misha Sra on November 17
In today’s society, the understanding of one's own identity becomes blurred as technology progresses.
What opportunities does virtual reality offer to improve the way we learn?
Supporting rapid development and deployment of applications beyond the confines of research labs.
The Reality Editor: An Open and Universal Tool for Understanding and Controlling the Physical WorldCommittee:Prof. Pattie MaesProfessor of …
Spring 2017 member meeting workshops.
Chronic psychological stress carries a wide array of pathophysiological risks.
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionWearable computers are becoming a widespread reality. Driven by a human quest for sensorial ultra…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionChronic stress is often thought to be exacerbated by interactive technologies–but we challenge th…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E15-341 DescriptionRecent advances in display technologies have moved computing onto physical surfaces, such as thro…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionMarko Ahtisaari is a technology entrepreneur and designer. For the last four years he was executi…
LocationMIT Media Lab, 3rd Floor Atrium DescriptionJohn Ratey will address the connection between exercise and the brain's performance and …
How to Love and Criticize Technology at the Same Time: Jaron Lanier in conversation with Ken Perlin, Hiroshi Ishii, and Pattie Maes.
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionDigital self-tracking, sometimes called "life hacking" or "personal analytics," involves parsing …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-525 DescriptionConventional video mediated communication technologies provide a live window between remote space…
LocationMIT Media Lab, 6th Floor DescriptionThis event is free and open to the public. Hosted by Pattie Maes and Roz Picard:As Chief Execut…