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Ariel Noyman

Research Scientist

CityScope: An Urban modeling and Simulation Platform


Mobility and COVID-19 in Andorra: Country-scale analysis of high-resolution mobility patterns and infection spread

Doorley, R., Berke, A., Noyman, A., Alonso, L., Ribó, J., Arroyo, V., Pons, M. and Larson, K., 2021. Mobility and COVID-19 in Andorra: Country-scale analysis of high-resolution mobility patterns and infection spread. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26(1), pp.183-193.


RevUrb: Understanding Urban Activity and Human Dynamics through Point Process Modelling of Telecoms Data

Doorley, R., Noyman, A., Xiong, Z., Alonso, L., Grignard, A., & Larson, K. (2019, May 1). RevUrb: Understanding Urban Activity and Human Dynamics through Point Process Modelling of Telecoms Data. 2019 Smart Cities Symposium Prague, SCSP 2019 Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1109/SCSP.2019.8805683


Reversed urbanism: Inferring urban performance through behavioral patterns in temporal telecom data

Noyman, A., Doorley, R., Xiong, Z., Alonso, L., Grignard, A., & Larson, K. (2019). Reversed urbanism: Inferring urban performance through behavioral patterns in temporal telecom data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(8), 1480–1498. https://doi.org/10.1177/2399808319840668


What's your MoCho? Real-time Mode Choice Prediction Using Discrete Choice Models and a HCI Platform

Doorley, Ronan & Noyman, Ariel & Sakai, Yasushi & Larson, Kent. (2019). What's your MoCho? Real-time Mode Choice Prediction Using Discrete Choice Models and a HCI Platform. UrbComp SIGKDD 2019


Deep Image of the City: A generative approach to urban-design visualization


CityScope: A Data-Driven Interactive Simulation Tool for Urban Design. Use Case Volpe

Alonso, L., Zhang, Y. R., Grignard, A., Noyman, A., Sakai, Y., ElKatsha, M., ... & Larson, K. (2018, July). Cityscope: a data-driven interactive simulation tool for urban design. Use case volpe. In International Conference on Complex Systems (pp. 253-261). Springer, Cham.


CityScope: A Data-Driven Interactive Simulation Tool for Urban Design. Use Case Volpe

Alonso, L., Zhang, Y. R., Grignard, A., Noyman, A., Sakai, Y., Elkatsha, M., ... & Larson, K. (2019). Data-driven, evidence-based simulation of urban dynamics. use case volpe. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, IX, 4.


CityScope Andorra: A Multi-level Interactive and Tangible Agent-based Visualization

Arnaud Grignard, Núria Macià, Luis Alonso Pastor, Ariel Noyman, Yan Zhang, and Kent Larson. 2018. CityScope Andorra: A Multi-level Interactive and Tangible Agent-based Visualization. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS '18). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 1939-1940.


CityScopeAR: Urban Design and Crowdsourced Engagement Platform

Noyman, Sakai, Larson 2018. CityScopeAR: Urban Design and Crowdsourced Engagement Platform. CHI 2018, 4,2007


Finding Places: HCI Platform for Public Participation in Refugees’ Accommodation Process

Finding Places: HCI Platform for Public Participation in Refugees’ Accommodation Process. Ariel Noyman , Tobias Holtz, Johannes Kröger, Jörg Rainer Noennig, Kent Larson. a Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab, Changing Places Group, Cambridge MA, b HafenCity University Hamburg, CityScienceLab, c HafenCity University Hamburg, Lab for Geoinformatics & Geovisualization


Roadmap for Autonomous Cities: Sustainable Transformation of Urban Spaces

Noyman, Ariel, Agnis Stibe, and Kent Larson. "Roadmap for Autonomous Cities: Sustainable Transformation of Urban Spaces." (2017).