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The MIT Media Lab, a hallowed digital playground and research center into media technologies, is celebrating its 25th anniversary. We'll ta…
The basketball player discusses his new MIT Media Lab fellowship, and how he plans to use the platform to reform education.
Media Lab co-founder Nicholas Negroponte talks to e-flux.
Chris Schmandt ’73, SM ’80, spent four decades “playing around” at the Media Lab.
Public talk outlines ambitious plans to make his nation a hub for technology and innovation.
Do you know why a stringer is called a stringer? Jack did.
On January 26, 2017, the Media Lab held a symposium to celebrate the life and ideas of Seymour Papert. Here are some photos and comments
I believe that 30 years from now people will look back at the beginning of our century and wonder what we were doing and thinking.
60 Minutes goes inside the MIT Media Lab.
Exploring the history of the Media Lab's name.
Thinking about Thinking about Seymour celebrated the ideas and research of Seymour Papert.
New graduate student fellowship program announced at Media Lab event celebrating the life and work of Seymour Papert.
A breakthrough in wireless technology.