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The Community Carbon Impact is a data visualization installation created by the MIT City Science group for the Boston Museum of Science's y…
Gastronomy and Beyond (G+B) aims to unite individuals who contribute to innovation in the realms of culture, products, territories, sustain…
Es un sistema de simulación y visualización urbana que permite configurar escenarios de intervenciones y así evaluar las posibles repercusi…
CityScope Costanera is a tangible platform that outlines the Costanera neighborhood of Concepcion, Biobío Chile. The Costanera de Concepció…
The MIT City Science team will work with Ben-Gurion University (BGU) in Beersheba on a new collaboration to create the City Science Lab @ I…
MIT City Science has developed an international network of cooperative City Science LabsWe are developing concepts and key technology that …
The MIT City Science team will work with the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Mubil Fundazioa on a new collaboration to create the City Sci…
Optimizing environmental, social, and economic performance of citiesCities play a central role in the climate crisis. According to the late…
Two Mobility Futures 0∞ is a research project that encompasses storytelling, a democratic decision making platform, a city model, and an im…
Following The Power of Without agenda, the City Science group proposes the Informality Crowdsourced Database. This platform …
Huertos Comunitarios Keyhole en Lomas del Centinela Keyhole Community Gardens in Lomas del Centinela
Protegiendo el bosque del CentinelaPromover y brindar las herramientas necesarias en el comportamiento del fuego y en el manejo de incident…
Somos centinelas: hacia una educación sin barreras de accesoWe are Sentinels: Towards an education without access barriersLa Univ…
Following The Power of Without agenda, the City Science group proposes the Technologies Toolkit. This research aims to translate the knowle…
UN Habitat recognized in its Global Report on Human Settlements an effort to address informality with unconventional approaches, focu…
With(in) is a multi-stage project that includes an exhibit, installation, qualitative exploration, and visual storytelling.This is a s…
The Power of WITHOUT is a research theme in the City Science group. The theme proposes that heavy infrastructure solutions are not financia…
This project aims to create a modular platform for exploring micro-kitchens that are culture specific. Cooking is a personal experience tha…
The City Science Lab@Guadalajara is a collaboration with the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), a network composed of 15 campuses within the…
Andorra and the City Science research group at the MIT Media Lab are taking on the challenge of turning Andorra into an “Internationally Re…
Changing Places researchers are developing scalable strategies for understanding and creating hyper-efficient, technology-enabled spaces t…
We are at the dawn of a mobility revolution, where autonomous vehicles will replace cars controlled by humans. We can imagine this developi…