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Past Member

Jacqueline M Kory Westlund

Former Research Assistant
  • Personal Robots

Jacqueline Kory Westlund is a Ph.D student in Dr. Cynthia Breazeal's Personal Robots Group (PRG) at the MIT Media Lab.

Her research focuses on developing and evaluating social robotic learning companions to support young children's language learning and social and emotional development. She asks questions about how to create more effective robotic learning companions, how children understand social robots, how context and framing affect child-robot interactions, and the ethics of using robots in children's lives.

Jacqueline was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in 2012-2015 and a Media Lab Learning Innovation Fellowship in 2016-2018 to support her research at MIT.

Prior to coming to the Media Lab, Jacqueline spent a year researching human emotion and learning with Dr. Sidney D’Mello at the University of Notre Dame, and worked at NASA for two summers developing autonomous vehicles and laser space robots. She holds a BA in cognitive science from Vassar College.

For current news, recent publications, and latest projects, see https://www.jakory.com/ and http://robotic.media.mit.edu/news/!