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Addressing Bias in Physician-Machine PartnershipsThis research program addresses how AI assistance can enhance physician decision-making on…
See for yourself how accurately you can identify AI-generated images at the DetectFakes Experiment and if you want to learn to sp…
What anonymized geolocation data can tell us about the effectiveness of social distancingThe World Health Organization has officially decla…
New generative AI technologies (such as the Generative Adversarial Network, or GAN) can allow us to imagine new species. Hidden within the …
Should workers worry about automation and AI?Many workers, policy makers, and researchers are asking themselves exactly this question. But …
Media manipulation technologies have the power to vanish people from photographs. Yet their souls live on in the deep memory of these algor…
Burning Man is a magical place that gets the best of human creativity and collaboration to flourish. To further understand what makes this …
Deep Angel is an artificial intelligence that erases objects from photographs. The algorithm is hosted on…
TuringBox is a platform that makes it easier for social and behavioral scientists to study Artificial Intelligence algorithms. It…