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The Community Carbon Impact is a data visualization installation created by the MIT City Science group for the Boston Museum of Science's y…
Es un sistema de simulación y visualización urbana que permite configurar escenarios de intervenciones y así evaluar las posibles repercusi…
MIT City Science has developed an international network of cooperative City Science LabsWe are developing concepts and key technology that …
A distributed sensing system for managing water resources in informal communities.
A Distance Learning Model for Global Laboratory-Based Synthetic Biology Education Synthetic Biology ( SynBio) tools hold the…
Optimizing environmental, social, and economic performance of citiesCities play a central role in the climate crisis. According to the late…
Low-cost, modular, open source, and portable bio-reactor for urban bio-sensor development.
Community-scale profiling sensor node for ocean monitoring and community coordination of fishing activities.
Chameleon is a machine learning enhanced sensor system that uses CO2 and PIR sensors to classify room occupancy and use.
Somos centinelas: hacia una educación sin barreras de accesoWe are Sentinels: Towards an education without access barriersLa Univ…
TerMITes are a wireless environmental sensor platform that enables designers and researchers with the necessary tools to capture envir…
Whispers Of The Mountain is a sensor system mounted on snow skis. The system allows for crowdsourcing environmental data of mou…
JettSen is an open source mobile sensor system that enables citizens, urban planners, and city officials to collectively address urba…