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Will the city swallow the forest, or will the forest reclaim the city? Or can we find a third way?The 21st century is a critical momen…
The Community Carbon Impact is a data visualization installation created by the MIT City Science group for the Boston Museum of Science's y…
Gastronomy and Beyond (G+B) aims to unite individuals who contribute to innovation in the realms of culture, products, territories, sustain…
Un VISOR para San Pedro de la Paz: Una nueva tecnología para visualizar datos de tráfico usando datos de Waze A Viewer for San Pedro d…
The Kharkiv Masterplan Visualization Tool is a forward-thinking platform within the CityScope framework, developed in collaboration with th…
The study of human behavior in urban environment is an important field in city sciences. However, it's usually not easy to collect behavior…
CityFlow is a versatile tool that allows users to design, evaluate, and visualize urban solutions through an llm-integrated, case-based sys…
One of the pending tasks of science is to strengthen public participation in the dialogue with the scientific community. One proposed solut…
IntroductionThe typology of sociotechnical transition pathways, as developed by Geels and Schot, provides a theoretical foundation for und…
CARTOVIAJESVincular la experiencia literaria y urbana a través del tiempo y de los viajesLinking Literary and Urban Experience through Time…
Exploring Sustainability
Revolutionizing Urban Mobility
The research on Community-based Social Innovation focuses on the reshaping of urban spaces by human social behavior, incorporating an analy…
COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for reimagining urban spaces and emphasized the need for walkable, life-work balanced coummunities.&…
Integrating quantum computing into urban design presents a groundbreaking approach to city planning and modeling. By harnessing the unique …
Humanizing Agent-Based Models (h-ABM) emerges as a pioneering technique to simulate real-world behaviors, aiming to seamlessly bridge …
In the CityScope platform, we leverage humanized Agent-Based Models (h-ABMs) to elevate urban simulation to new heights of realism and comp…
The Generative Land Use project aims to revolutionize urban planning by developing a cutting-edge algorithm that generates the ideal land u…
Mobility Choices is used to predict transportation mode choices of students at the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) within the Guadalajara …
The BentoScope is a portable iteration of the CityScope platform, conceived by the City Science group at the MIT Media Lab. This compact ve…
CityScope Costanera is a tangible platform that outlines the Costanera neighborhood of Concepcion, Biobío Chile. The Costanera de Concepció…
Data-Driven Mobility Choice Modeling for Dallas TXJobs and entrepreneurship to foster informal business transformation into 'more formal' e…
The City Science Lab @ Taipei is a cooperation between The National Taipei University of Technology, also called NTUT or Taipei Tech, …
The MIT City Science team will work with the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Mubil Fundazioa on a new collaboration to create the City Sci…
Could we substitute cars by shared autonomous lightweight vehicles for food delivery? We have developed an agent-based simulation model tha…
Urban mobility can often be categorized as a complex system—e.g., a nonlinear system composed of many components that interact with each …
Optimizing environmental, social, and economic performance of citiesCities play a central role in the climate crisis. According to the late…
The MIT City Science team will work with the Cámara Chilena de la Construcción (CChC), Corporación Ciudades, and the Biobío regional govern…
Autonomous bicycles have recently been proposed as a new and more efficient approach to bicycle-sharing systems, but how do they compare fr…
City Science researchers are engaging in an exploratory process to understand, develop, and model a platform with a focus on the 15-minute …
Two Mobility Futures 0∞ is a research project that encompasses storytelling, a democratic decision making platform, a city model, and an im…
What will be the impact of shared autonomous micro-mobility systems? Will autonomy make the micro-mobility systems even more attractive?&nb…
College of Design and Innovation of Tongji University, Shanghai, and the MIT Media Lab's City Science group are co-developing a version of …
Following The Power of Without agenda, the City Science group proposes the Informality Crowdsourced Database. This platform …
Huertos Comunitarios Keyhole en Lomas del Centinela Keyhole Community Gardens in Lomas del Centinela
Protegiendo el bosque del CentinelaPromover y brindar las herramientas necesarias en el comportamiento del fuego y en el manejo de incident…
Somos centinelas: hacia una educación sin barreras de accesoWe are Sentinels: Towards an education without access barriersLa Univ…
Tangible Swarm is a tool that displays relevant information about a robotics system (e.g., multi-robot, swarm, etc.) in real time whil…
Country-scale analysis of high-resolution mobility patterns and infection spreadThe MIT Media Lab City Science group and the Andorra Innova…
The Algorithmic Zoning project explores dynamically reconfigurable incentives that encourage the pro-social development of urban areas so a…
Following The Power of Without agenda, the City Science group proposes the Technologies Toolkit. This research aims to translate the knowle…
UN Habitat recognized in its Global Report on Human Settlements an effort to address informality with unconventional approaches, focu…
Agent Based Modeling for behaviours, building occupancy loads and risk infection at the University of Guadalajara. In collaboration wi…
Walking as the most natural form of urban mobility plays a crucial role in shaping the quality of daily life. However, safety concerns ofte…
With(in) is a multi-stage project that includes an exhibit, installation, qualitative exploration, and visual storytelling.This is a s…
Virtual CityScope Champs-Élysées is an interactive and immersive platform that explores the future of Paris’ most important street.
An interactive platform to improve decision-making related to the revitalization of the Champs ÉlyséesCityScope Champs-Élysée is a ta…
The Power of WITHOUT is a research theme in the City Science group. The theme proposes that heavy infrastructure solutions are not financia…
Autonomous vehicles (AVs), drones, and other types of robots will revolutionize our way of traveling and understanding urban space. In orde…
MIT City Science is working with HafenCity University to develop digital tools to enable more livable communities. In one project, the team…
We are at the dawn of a mobility revolution, where autonomous vehicles will replace cars controlled by humans. We can imagine this developi…
The City Science Lab@Guadalajara is a collaboration with the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), a network composed of 15 campuses within the…
Modern cities have to respond to the growing demands of more efficient and sustainable urban development, as well as an increased quality o…
MIT City Science has developed an international network of cooperative City Science LabsWe are developing concepts and key technology that …
How can we get more value from the same buildings? Cities contain many different resources and spaces and typically, these resources o…
Data Fusion for Dynamic Traffic PredictionTraffic congestion has huge negative impacts on the productivity, health and personal lives …
Tongji University, Shanghai, and the MIT Media Lab's City Science group are co-developing a version of the MIT CityScope platform for …
Predicting Urban Performance through Behavioral Patterns in Temporal Telecom DataThis study explores a novel method to analyze diverse beha…
View the main City Science Andorra project profileWith no airport or train service, most of the 8 million tourists who visit Andorra each y…
CityScope Volpe is demonstrating most of the urban planning, analysis, and prediction features developed for the CityScope project. The sit…
An Urban Decision-Support System Augmented by Artificial IntelligenceThe decision-making process in urban design and urban planning is outd…
Research in dynamic tools, mix users (citizens, workers) amenities, services, and land use, with the goal of promoting sustainable developm…
View the main City Science Andorra project profile.The MIT Media Lab's City Science research group, the University of Andorra, and national…
View the main City Science Andorra project profile.With more than eight million visitors a year, tourism represents almost 30% of the econo…
Andorra and the City Science research group at the MIT Media Lab are taking on the challenge of turning Andorra into an “Internationally Re…
City Science researchers are developing a slew of tangible and digital platforms dedicated to solving spatial design and urban planning cha…
The Andorra Living Lab project combines different research topics (Tourism, Innovation, Energy & Environment, Mobility, Dynamic urban p…
Changing Places researchers are developing scalable strategies for understanding and creating hyper-efficient, technology-enabled spaces t…