This has been the celebration of a life, Marty's life. Old people are celebrated when they retire, i.e. pass from their active stage of life; the young must die for a similar celebration. Thus Marty's death has helped. by our being here together, to fortify us all.
It is strange how one becomes dependent on the products of one's activities, be they one's children, one's friends, or one's work. In this sense Martin's being, as relative, as friend, as colleague, by creating a common dependence on him for his being, his personality, his quirks, his intelligence, his creativity, his vitality, unites us all and gives us strength to go forth from here in remembrance. The past becomes the ever-present present.
I do hope that in the distant future computers will contribute their share to a solution of the mysteries of the human mind so that temporary but killing aberrations can be understood and remedied, so that one can alleviate the dark night of the human spirit. Marty and many many countless sufferers would love this, and Marty would be fascinated by this understanding.
Thank you for being here. Let us go now and mingle with the help of some refreshments.