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Viral Communications
Project DescriptionIn an era where news evolves at breakneck speed, Next Week Tonight offers a novel approach to news consumption and proje…
Video has evolved from an esoteric production to the default means of online and broadcast communication. We accept a wrong or lengthy vide…
This project delivers a series of Github-signal based metrics that would be useful to both the layman and investor, helping look beyond the…
Media filter bubbles sacrifice shared reality amongst US citizens. We aim to burst these echo chambers by presenting short, automatically s…
Climate change and the domino effect it creates will require coordination at scales we haven’t seen and new forms of organization to addres…
NewsMaker decouples news snippets from multiple news sources, and challenges you to re-create an objective news article using them. Once yo…
In "We saw a game!" we expose the different perspectives in TV sports and news in order to build broadcasting systems that u…
People form dynamic groups focused on topics that emerge serendipitously during everyday life. They can be long-lived or of short duration.…
LipSync is an interactive broadcast of famous monologues available in many different languages to multiple users at the same time. Users di…
How are people's interests related? By exploring people's interests from LinkedIn profiles, we have created an interest graph to understand…
Point & Shoot Data explores the use of visible light as a wireless communication medium for mobile devices. A snap-on case allows users to …
T(ether) is a novel spatially aware display that supports intuitive interaction with volumetric data. The display acts as a window affordin…
Line of Sound shows how data can be used to deliver sound information only in the direction in which one looks. The demonstration is done u…
Peddl creates a localized, perfect market. All offers are broadcasts, allowing users to spot trends, bargains, and opportunities. With GPS-…
Reach merges inherently local communications with user requests or offers of services. It is built atop data from services users already us…
We are exploring the impact of mobile phones on the future of credit card usage and payments. We are attempting to reinvent the payment pro…
What if you could see what the past looked like from where you are standing? What if you could relive any event that happened at your curre…
Social Transactions is an application that allows communities of consumers to collaboratively sense the market from mobile devices, enablin…
The Junkyard Jumbotron (JJ) lets one take a collection of random screens and instantly stitch them into one large virtual display simply by…
SonicLink is a fully decentralized, proximal communication framework for personal devices to seamlessly discover, connect, and interact wit…
Online games bring geographically separated people together in a virtual world. Board games bring people together in the physical world. QR…
Buildings consume more than a third of the energy used in the United States, but most people have no sense of how much their actions can af…
Fluid Voice is a group communication platform that allows both real-time and asynchronous group activity participation. Users can form loca…
Human beings have long shaped the physical environment to reflect designs of form and function. As an instrument of control, the human hand…
Mobility in urban environments is often coupled with a quest for efficiencies such as a nearby parking spot, a ride to some destination, a …
Comm.unity is a platform that implements a wireless, device-to-device information system that bypasses the need for any centralized servers…
Open Spaces combines the use of public displays with private mobile devices. This allows group collaboration and shared use of public scre…
With the tremendous explosion of community photos, how can we present a coherent visual model for a large-scale community photo collection?…
We explore secure, cooperative storage mechanisms in peer-to-peer networks, where a group of peer nodes form a contributory storage infrast…
What you own can sometimes tell what you need and how you feel. We have built a complete portable inventory of the possessions of one perso…
Computing in Context is a distributed computing environment tailored to host agile, opprtunistic processes on a collection of heterogeneous…
The Digital Aura project deals with ways to give end users better control over their personal information, leveraging principles of social …
We can direct users through a building to the least crowded destination using cues that indicate the next step in a path; providing next-st…
SnapN'Share, the first sample application that makes use of the Comm.unity platform, runs on wireless mobile devices and stationary compute…
Conventional perception on wireless communications is that as more nodes are added, there could be more transmission interference. We demon…
Medley deals with personal, physically proximate communications. We look at different aspects of data sharing between members of a communit…
Exploring path diversity via multipath routing adds more degrees of freedom and reliability for wireless communications, in particular in w…
It has been theoretically proven that a wireless diversity scheme that utilizes a relay node to assist in conveying information is more eff…
Following the 2016 election, the entirety of the nation became conscious of its polarization. According to a study by the National Bureau o…
An interface for smashing filter bubbles, Panorama is built to allow open, transparent, and collaborative exploration of news from all…
A large portion of popular media is remixed: existing media content is spliced and re-ordered in a manner that serves a specific narrative.…
Bitcoin generates net-new value from "mining" in a distributed network. In this work, we explore solar micro-mining rigs that transform exc…
Recording your reaction to a short video is becoming the new gossip; famous watchers get as many as 750,000 views. We attempt to transform …
NewsClouds presents a visual exploration of how the news reporting of an event evolves over time. Each "cloud" represents a publication and…
Recast is a media curation and distribution platform that enables anyone to create and distribute "news programs" that represent their view…
QUANTIFY is a generalized framework and JavaScript library to allow rapid multi-dimensional "measurement" of subjective qualities of media.…
Plethora creates simultaneous, localized, personal broadcasting networks that allow audiences to form on-the-fly and build their own media …
We address two critical elements of news: that it informs, and that it is trustworthy. Glance creates dynamic, real-time, semantic control …
Wearable devices and ambient displays need to atomize video to evocative excerpts as glanceable as a still image. Glyph is a web-based tool…
Invisible Ink is a certified mail application that demonstrates the utility of the blockchain for maintaining a public ledger of transactio…
Ethos is a decentralized, Bitcoin-like network for storing and sharing valuable information. We provide transparency, control, and ownershi…
World Lens informs users about newsworthy events that are both popular and obscure. It is a front page that is both navigable and scalable,…
Many of us who enjoy what we do were motivated by an event or person that inspired us to learn, challenge, and question. We are building ap…
A physical interface designed for simultaneous social interaction with visual material. We built a hemispherical, multi-person, interactive…
We present two scalable ways to explore and distribute media in all forms: video, text, and graphics; published and conversational. The fir…
Major political campaigns and nonprofit organizations use bespoke systems to organize, inform, and solicit members. These top-down systems …
Increasingly in the US, people have to take responsibility for their health information. Simultaneously, medical providers must make …
The relationship between news content and its presentation has been a long-studied problem in the communications domain. Often, channe…
An animated GIF is a magical thing. It has the power to compactly convey emotion, empathy, and context in a subtle way that text or emotico…
Leveraging sneaker culture to influence civic engagement. Marginalized groups have influence on digital platforms but are often unhear…
QR Websites serves websites without the need for an Internet connection. The approach uses a minified site, encoded as a Data URI on a QR c…
Let's play: Waste at MIT is a game about trash; it’s also a game about understanding civic infrastructure. This project explores the use of…
Only 40% of the eligible population votes in the typical US midterm election, and among young people turnout is even lower. In this experim…
A web browser extension that reveals less well-known aspects of corporate public behavior such as environmental respect and political bias.…
This project aims to show a different picture of the data behind the news, looking at how we analyze, represent, and interact with it. …
To help prevent the mindless sharing of content and promote the sharing of thoughtful content, a socially acceptable “stamp of approval” wa…
A tapestry where each pixel represents a pledge by an individual to vote. Anyone can participate and watch the growing and changing image t…
8K Time into Space is a user interface for a video exploration system with an 8K display. 8K is an ultra high-definition video system and i…
Cooperative communication represents a paradigm shift from current point-to-point, client-server interaction to a fully decentralized, symm…
Broadband architecture is optimized for asymmetric, client-server computing applications. While ample downstream capacity is offered to sub…
Plazza brings group formation and dynamic content distribution capabilities to broadband wireless devices, together with the illusion of in…
Cooperative media distribution provides a solution to the scalability and efficiency problem of real-time media distribution and informatio…
The Telecorrelator allows people to view multiple perspectives of real-time news events aligned by content as well as time. It reveals emph…
Helios provides an automatic way of socializing one's video interactions. It is a Chrome browser plug-in that records user's encounters wit…
Collaborating and media creation are difficult tasks, both for people and for network architectures. CoCam is a self-organizing network for…
Graffiti Codes transform the space around you into a mobile-readable environment. Anyone can draw a simple shape on anything, like graffi…
AudioFile overlays imperceptible tones on standard audio tracks to embed digital information that can be decoded by standard mobile devices…
Air Mobs creates a local mobile community to allow users to freely share Internet access among diverse carrier 3G and 4G data accounts. We …
CoSync builds the ability to create and act jointly into mobile devices. This mirrors the way we as a society act both individually and in …
Electric Price Tags are a realization of a mobile system that is linked to technology in physical space. The underlying theme is that being…
We are exploring techniques to integrate digital codes into physical objects. Spanning both the hard and the soft, this work entails incorp…
It's common for us to attach different emotions to each moment in our lives, but when we capture and interact with them, we are often const…
Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation and needed to share your location with the other party? is a location shortener s…