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Invent new tangible and embodied interactions that inspire and engage people

Hiroshi Ishii


Laser-Enabled Fabrication of Flexible Printed Electronics with Integrated Functional Devices

W. Babatain, C. Park, H. Ishii, N. Gershenfeld, Laser-Enabled Fabrication of Flexible Printed Electronics with Integrated Functional Devices. Adv. Sci. 2025, 2415272. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202415272


AI comes out of the closet: Using AI-Generated Virtual Characters to Help Individuals Practice LGBTQIA+ Advocacy

Pillis, D., Pataranutaporn, P., Maes, P., & Sra, M. (2024). AI comes out of the closet: Using AI-Generated Virtual Characters to Help Individuals Practice LGBTQIA+ Advocacy. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces


Full Text: FibeRobo

Jack Forman, Ozgun Kilic Afsar, Sarah Nicita, Rosalie Hsin-Ju Lin, Liu Yang, Megan Hofmann, Akshay Kothakonda, Zachary Gordon, Cedric Honnet, Kristen Dorsey, Neil Gershenfeld, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2023. FibeRobo: Fabricating 4D Fiber Interfaces by Continuous Drawing of Temperature Tunable Liquid Crystal Elastomers. https://doi.org/10.1145/3586183.3606732


The Stranger -........ -.-..- -. –...-.

Kyung Yun Choi and Hiroshi Ishii. 2023. The Stranger -........ -.-..- -. –...-. In Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '23 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 74–76. https://doi.org/10.1145/3563703.3596648


ColloGraphy: Designing Augmented Visual-Haptic Feedback Systems to Support Fine Motor Skill Learning

Fang, M. (2023). ColloGraphy: Designing Augmented Visual-Haptic Feedback Systems to Support Fine Motor Skill Learning (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).


VR Haptics at Home: Repurposing Everyday Objects and Environment for Casual and On-Demand VR Haptic Experiences

Cathy Mengying Fang, Ryo Suzuki, and Daniel Leithinger. 2023. VR Haptics at Home: Repurposing Everyday Objects and Environment for Casual and On-Demand VR Haptic Experiences. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 312, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544549.3585871


(Dis)Appearables: A Concept and Method for Actuated Tangible UIs to Appear and Disappear based on Stages

Ken Nakagaki, Jordan L Tappa, Yi Zheng, Jack Forman, Joanne Leong, Sven Koenig, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2022. (Dis)Appearables: A Concept and Method for Actuated Tangible UIs to Appear and Disappear based on Stages. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22), April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.


Single fibre enables acoustic fabrics via nanometre-scale vibrations

Yan, W., Noel, G., Loke, G., Meiklejohn, E., Khiduyev, T., Marion, J., Rui, G., Lin, J., Cherston, J., Saharasbudhe, A., Wilbert, J., Wicaksono, I., Hoyt, R.W., Missakian, A., Zhu, L., Ma, C., Joannopoulos, J., and Fink, Y. Single fibre enables acoustic fabrics via nanometre-scale vibrations. Nature (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04476-9


Pudica: A Framework For Designing Augmented Human-Flora Interaction

Olivia Seow, Cedric Honnet, Simon Perrault, Hiroshi Ishii. 2022. Pudica: A Framework For Designing Augmented Human-Flora Interaction. In Proceedings of the Augmented Humans Conference (AHs '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3519391.3519394


Design and Evaluation of a Clippable and Personalizable Pneumatic-haptic Feedback Device for Breathing Guidance

Kyung Yun Choi, Neska ElHaouij, Jinmo Lee, Rosalind W. Picard, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2022. Design and Evaluation of a Clippable and Personalizable Pneumatic-haptic Feedback Device for Breathing Guidance. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 6, 1, Article 6 (March 2022), 36 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3517234



J. Gong*, O. Seow*, C. Honnet*, J. Forman, S. Mueller. "MetaSense: Integrating Sensing Capabilities into Mechanical Metamaterial." Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. 2021.


aSpire: Clippable, Mobile Pneumatic-Haptic Device for Breathing Rate Regulation via Personalizable Tactile Feedback

Kyung Yun Choi, Jinmo Lee, Neska El Haouij, Rosalind W. Picard, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2021. aSpire: Clippable, Mobile Pneumatic-Haptic Device for Breathing Rate Regulation via Personalizable Tactile Feedback. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI ’21 Extended Abstracts), May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.


Self-deStaining Textiles: Designing Interactive Systems with Fabric, Stains, and Light

Fiona Bell*, Alice Hong*, Andreea Danielescu, Aditi Maheshwari, Ben Greenspan, Hiroshi Ishii, Laura Devendorf, and Mirela Alistar. 2021. SelfdeStaining Textiles: Designing Interactive Systems with Fabric, Stains and Light. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3411764.3445155


Choreographic Interfaces: Wearable Approaches to Movement Learning in Creative Processes

Afsar, Ozgun Kilic, et al. "Choreographic Interfaces: Wearable Approaches to Movement Learning in Creative Processes." ACM CHI'21 Workshop HAA'21.


Therms-Up!: DIY Inflatables and Interactive Materials by Upcycling Wasted Thermoplastic Bags

Kyung Yun Yun Choi and Hiroshi Ishii. 2021. Therms-Up!: DIY Inflatables and Interactive Materials by Upcycling Wasted Thermoplastic Bags. In Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 51, 1–8. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3430524.3442457


HERMITS: Dynamically Reconfiguring the Interactivity of Self-propelled TUIs with Mechanical Shell Add-ons

Ken Nakagaki, Joanne Leong, Jordan L. Tappa, João Wilbert, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2020. HERMITS: Dynamically Reconfiguring the Interactivity of Self-propelled TUIs with Mechanical Shell Add-ons. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 882–896. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3379337.341583


Mechanical Shells: Physical Add-ons for Extending and Reconfiguring the Interactivity of Actuated TUIs

Ken Nakagaki. 2020. Mechanical Shells: Physical Add-ons for Extending and Reconfiguring the Interactivities of Actuated TUIs. In Adjunct Publication of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '20 Adjunct). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 151–156. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3379350.3415801


DefeXtiles: 3D Printing Quasi-Woven Textiles Via Under-Extrusion

Jack Forman, Mustafa Doga Dogan, Hamilton Forsythe, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2020. DefeXtiles: 3D Printing Quasi-Woven Fabric via Under-Extrusion. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1222–1233. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3379337.3415876


reSpire: Self-awareness and Interpersonal Connectedness through Shape-changing Fabric Display

Kyung Yun Choi, Valentina Sumini, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2019. ReSpire: Self-awareness and Interpersonal Connectedness through Shape-changing Fabric Display. In Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 449–454. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3325480.3329176


Venous Materials : Towards Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms

Mor, Hila, Ken Nakagaki, et al. "Venous Materials : Towards Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms." CHI '20, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376129


ambienBeat: Wrist-worn Mobile Tactile Biofeedback for Heart Rate Rhythmic Regulation

Kyung Yun Choi, Hiroshi Ishii, ambienBeat:Wrist-worn Mobile Tactile Biofeedback for Heart Rate Rhythmic Regulation, ACM TEI ’20,


WraPr: Spool-Based Fabrication for Object Creation and Modification

Joanne Leong, Jose Martinez, Florian Perteneder, Ken Nakagaki, Hiroshi Ishii. 2020. WraPr: Spool-Based Fabrication Method for Object Creation and Modification. In TEI'20, February 9-12, 2020, Sydney, NSW, Australia. https://doi.org/10.1145/3374920.3374990


Prototyping Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms

Hila Mor, Ken Nakagaki, Yu Tianyu, Benjamin Harvey Miller, Yichen Jia, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2020. Prototyping Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 881–884. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3374920.3374967


TRANS-DOCK: Expanding the Interactivity of Pin-based Shape Displays by Docking Mechanical Transducers

Nakagaki, Ken, et al. "TRANS-DOCK: Expanding the Interactivity of Pin-based Shape Displays by Docking Mechanical Transducers." Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. 2020.


SociaBowl: A Dynamic Table Centerpiece to Mediate Group Conversations

Joanne Leong, Yuehan Wang, Romy Sayah, Stella Rossikopoulou Pappa, Florian Perteneder, Hiroshi Ishii. 2019. SociaBowl: A Dynamic Table Centerpiece to Mediate Group Conversations. In CHI’19 Extended Abstracts, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk. https://doi.org/10.1145/3290607.3312775


Bubble Talk: Open-source interactive art toolkit for metaphor of modern digital chat

Choi, Kyung Yun, and Hiroshi Ishii. "Bubble Talk: Open-source Interactive Art Toolkit for Metaphor of Modern Digital Chat." Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. 2019.


inFORCE: Bi-directional 'Force' Shape Display For Haptic Interaction

Ken Nakagaki, Daniel Fitzgerald, Zhiyao (John) Ma, Luke Vink, Daniel Levine, Hiroshi Ishii. 2019. inFORCE: Bi-directional `Force’ Shape Display For Haptic Interaction. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ‘19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 615-623. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3294109.3295621


SensorKnit: Architecting Textile Sensors with Machine Knitting


reMi: Translating Ambient Sounds of Moment into Tangible and Shareable Memories through Animated Paper

Kyung Yun Choi, Darle Shinsato, Shane Zhang, Ken Nakagaki, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2018. reMi: Translating Ambient Sounds of Moment into Tangible and Shareable Memories through Animated Paper. In The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings (UIST '18 Adjunct). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 84-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3266037.3266109


kinetiX: Designing auxetic-inspired deformable material structures

Jifei Ou, Zhao Ma, Jannik Peters, Sen Dai, Nikolaos Vlavianos, Hiroshi Ishii, kinetiX: Designing auxetic-inspired deformable material structures, Computers & Graphics, Volume 75, 2018, Pages 72-81, ISSN 0097-8493


AnimaStage: Hands-on Animated Craft on Pin-based Shape Displays

Ken Nakagaki, Udayan Umapathi, Daniel Leithinger, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2017. AnimaStage: Hands-on Animated Craft Platform Using Shape Displays. In Proceedings of the 2017 DIS Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ‘17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1093-1097.


Harnessing the hygroscopic and biofluorescent behaviors of genetically tractable microbial cells to design biohybrid wearables

Wen Wang, Lining Yao, Chin-Yi Cheng, Teng Zhang, Hiroshi Atsumi, Luda Wang, Guanyun Wang, Oksana Anilionyte, Helene Steiner, Jifei Ou, Kang Zhou, Chris Wawrousek, Katherine Petrecca, Angela M. Belcher, Rohit Karnik, Xuanhe Zhao,*, Daniel I. C. Wang,* and Hiroshi Ishii,*Science Advances 19 May 2017: Vol. 3, no. 5, e1601984 DOI: 10.1126/sciad


Printflatables: Printing Human-scale, Functional and Dynamic Inflatable Objects

Proceeding CHI '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Pages 3669-3680 Denver, Colorado, USA — May 06 - 11, 2017 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2017


aeroMorph: Heat-sealing Inflatable Shape-change Materials for Interaction Design

Jifei Ou, Mélina Skouras, Nikolaos Vlavianos, Felix Heibeck, Chin-Yi Cheng, Jannik Peters, Hiroshi Ishii. 2016. aeroMorph: Heat-sealing Inflatable Shape-change Materials for Interaction Design. In Proc of UIST '16. ACM, NY, NY, USA, 121-132.


Andantino: Teaching Children Piano with Projected Animated Characters

Xiao Xiao, Pablo Puentes, Edith Ackermann, Hiroshi Ishii


Inspect, Embody, Invent: A Design Framework for Music Learning and Beyond

Xiao Xiao, Hiroshi Ishii


Cilllia - 3D Printed Micro-Pillar Structures for Surface Texture, Actuation and Sensing

Jifei Ou, Gershon Dublon, Chin-Yi Cheng, Felix Heibeck, Karl Willis, Hiroshi Ishii


xPrint: A Modularized Liquid Printer for Smart Materials Deposition

Guanyun Wang, Lining Yao, Wen Wang, Jifei Ou, Chin-Yi Cheng, Hiroshi Ishii


Haptic Edge Display for Mobile Tactile Interaction

Sungjune Jang, Lawrence H Kim, Kesler Tanner, Hiroshi Ishii, Sean Follmer


SoundFORMS: Manipulating Sound Through Touch

Aubrey Colter, Don-Derek Haddad, Brian Tice, Patlapa Davivongsa, Halla Moore and Hiroshi Ishii


Materiable: Rendering Dynamic Material Properties in Response to Direct Physical Touch with Shape Changing Interfaces

Ken Nakagaki, Luke Vink, Jared Counts, Daniel Windham, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Hiroshi Ishii


Inflated Curiosity

Jifei Ou, Felix Heibeck, Hiroshi Ishii


bioPrint: A Liquid Deposition Printing System for Natural Actuators

Yao Lining, Ou Jifei, Wang Guanyun, Cheng Chin-Yi, Wang Wen, Steiner Helene, Ishii Hiroshi


HydroMorph: Shape Changing Water Membrane for Display and Interaction

Ken Nakagaki, Pasquale Totaro, Jim Peraino, Thariq Shihipar, Chantine Akiyama, Yin Shuang, Hiroshi Ishii


LineFORM: Actuated Curve Interfaces for Display, Interaction, and Constraint

Ken Nakagaki, Sean Follmer, Hiroshi Ishii


uniMorph - Fabricating Thin Film Composites for Shape-Changing Interfaces

Felix Heibeck, Basheer Tome, Clark Della Silva, Hiroshi Ishii


Methods of 3D Printing Micro-pillar Structures on Surfaces

Jifei Ou, Chin-Yi Cheng, Liang Zhou, Gershon Dublon, Hiroshi Ishii


Kinetic Blocks - Actuated Constructive Assembly for lnteraction and Display

Philipp Schoessler, Daniel Windham, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Hiroshi Ishii


THAW: Tangible Interaction with See-Through Augmentation for Smartphones on Computer Screens

Sang-won Leigh, Philipp Schoessler, Felix Heibeck, Pattie Maes, Hiroshi Ishii


Shape Displays: Spatial Interaction with Dynamic Physical Form

Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Alex Olwal, Hiroshi Ishii


Augmented Material Interfaces: Exploring bidirectional microinteractions enabled by radical elements

Heibeck, F. "Augmented Material Interfaces: Exploring bidirectional microinteractions enabled by radical elements"


Grasping Information and Collaborating through Shape Displays

Leithinger, D. "Grasping Information and Collaborating through Shape Displays"


Exoskin: Pneumatically Augmenting Inelastic Materials for Texture Changing Interfaces

Tome, B. "Exoskin: Pneumatically Augmenting Inelastic Materials for Texture Changing Interfaces"


Shape synthesis: physical object augmentation and actuation for display and interaction on shape changing interfaces

Schoessler, P. "Shape synthesis: physical object augmentation and actuation for display and interaction on shape changing interfaces"


TRANSFORM: Embodiment of “Radical Atoms” at Milano Design Week

Hiroshi Ishii, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Amit Zoran, Philipp Schoessler, Jared Counts,


bioLogic: Natto Cells as Nanoactuators for Shape Changing Interfaces

Lining Yao, Jifei Ou, Chin-Yi Cheng, Helene Steiner, Wen Wang, Guanyun Wang, Hiroshi Ishii


TRANSFORM as Adaptive and Dynamic Furniture

Luke Vink, Viirj Kan, Ken Nakagaki, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Philipp Schoessler, Amit Zoran, Hiroshi Ishii,


Linked-Stick: Conveying a Physical Experience using a Shape-Shifting Stick

Ken Nakagaki, Chikara Inamura, Pasquale Totaro, Thariq Shihipar, Chantine Akiyama, Yin Shuang, Hiroshi Ishii,


Linked-Stick: Conveying a Physical Experience using a Shape-Shifting Stick

Ken Nakagaki, Chikara Inamura, Pasquale Totaro, Thariq Shihipar, Chantine Akikyama, Yin Shuang, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2015. Linked-Stick: Conveying a Physical Experience using a Shape-Shifting Stick. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’15). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1609–1614. DOI:https://doi.


THAW: Tangible Interaction with See-Through Augmentation for Smartphones on Computer Screens

Sang-won Leigh, Philipp Schoessler, Felix Heibeck, Pattie Maes, Hiroshi Ishii


Cord UIs: Controlling Devices with Augmented Cables

Philipp Schoessler, Sang-won Leigh, Krithika Jagannath, Patrick van Hoof, Hiroshi Ishii