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MIT Media Lab / Personal Robots group
Personal Robots group
A number of Media Lab community members will be in attendance, showcasing their research.
We are pleased to invite our members to an exclusive event showcasing the work of the MIT Media Lab.
A number of Media Lab community members are presenting work at NeurIPS 2024.
Join us as we provide learning opportunities on how emerging technologies, particularly AI, can impact business and emphasize the importan…
This event will explore the intersections of health, wellness, scientific innovation, and strategies to optimize human performance.
Members of the Media Lab community participated in the 54th Annual Meeting of The World Economic Forum. Watch videos of selected sessions!
Impact.AI: Democratizing AI through K-12 Artificial Intelligence Education
Join us for an exciting conversation that explores the intersection of AI and education!
Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) is an annual celebration of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM)
The inaugural Workshop on Social and Affective Intelligence (SAI) at ACII 2023 invites researchers from emotion science, soc…
Robots as Social Catalysts: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Designing Embodied Social Agents that Foster Human Collaboration andConnection
Engaging design justice, design fictions, and co-design in human-robot interaction design and policymaking processes
A Conversational Agent for Dynamic Procedural Interactions
A variety of Media Lab community members will participate in the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
The following Media Lab researchers participated in NeurIPS 2022, the thirty-sixth hybrid conference on Neural Informat…
Watch the video: Pattie Maes, Andy Lippman, and a host of special guests and Media Lab researchers take a deep dive into generative AI.
Join the MIT Museum for the launch of the MIT Morningside Academy for Design. Media Lab Director Dava Newman is among the speakers.
This year, Personal Robots PhD student Ishaan Grover will be representing the Media Lab as he presents his team's project, Catalan.AI
This Design Justice Pedagogy Summit and overarching project is motivated by the pressing need to center and incorporate principles of ethic…
Lifelong Personalization for Social Language/Literacy Companions: Interactive Student Modeling Across Tasks and Over Time
Designing and Deploying Robotic Companions to Improve Human Psychological Wellbeing
This will be a virtual event as part of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022)
This will be a virtual event as part of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022)While most research…
Kate Darling, Cynthia Breazeal, and Pattie Maes of the Media Lab join Patricia Henderson for a conversation about extended intelligence.
Explore the Media Lab research presented at UbiComp 2021!
People have welcomed conversational AI technologies into our homes, workplaces, and institutions where we interact with them daily.
As the presence of artificial intelligence expands significantly in children’s lives of learning and play, it is critical that students lea…
A variety of Media Lab community members will be participating in the virtual 2021 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Open Learning Talks bring together leaders to discuss new research-based ideas, technologies, and efforts in education, at MIT and the world
The official third annual STEM Week Kick Off event is co-hosted by the STEM Advisory Council, MIT, and the MA Science and Engineering Fair.
The virtual Cambridge CHI event, which is student-run and open to the public, is happening May 14-15th from 11am–2pm EDT.
When South by Southwest 2020 convenes in Austin, TX March 13-21, many of the speakers taking the stage will be members of the Media Lab.
Relational AI: Creating long-term interpersonal interaction, rapport, and relationships with social robotsCommittee:Dr. Cynthia B…
An exhibition with a focus on the research and experimentation of artificial intelligence.
This one-night speaker event at City Hall Plaza will explore the ways startups and new technologies will shape the future of Boston.Join Ma…
Much of human social communication is channeled through our facial expressions, body language, gazing, and many other nonverbal behaviors.
ANDREA THOMAZThe University of Texas at AustinDAN SAFFERSaffervescence IncDR. ANGELICA LIMSoftBank RoboticsKAREN KAUSHANSKYHow important is…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E15-341 DescriptionIn this thesis, DePalma presents an interactive robotic agent that follows pointing gestures and …
LocationGoogle Cambridge DescriptionGoogle pairs up with Kara Miller, journalist and radio host, and MIT Technology Review to bring you an …
LocationIEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)OrganizersJacqueline Kory Westlund, Personal Robo…
LocationConference Room 1, UN Headquarters, New York City DescriptionThe STI Forum is a component of the technology facilitation mechanism …
LocationMässans gata 8, Gothenburg, Sweden DescriptionHow Will AI Change the World?The Future of Human-Computer Interaction
LocationChicago, IL DescriptionWith state-of-the-art robots, the introduction of big data and the always-improving applications of Internet…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionMany problems of economic and societal interest in today's world involve tasks that are inherentl…
LocationMIT Media Lab, Bartos Theater E15-070 DescriptionAs robots move out of factory floors and into human environments, out from safe ba…
LocationMIT Wong Auditorium Description
LocationE14-633, MIT Media Lab DescriptionAbout a year ago, knowing nothing about robotics, Tessa Lau joined Willow Garage with one mission…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-525 DescriptionSartorial Robotics is a method of merging fashion theory and robotics through the design and deve…
LocationHilton Back Bay, Boston, MA Description
LocationPalermo, Italy DescriptionThis talk explores the creation and formal evaluation of a developmentally-appropriate, technologically-e…
LocationMIT Media Lab (E14-633) DescriptionThis thesis presents TinkRBooks, interactive storybooks that support parent-child storytelling. …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionThe digital revolution has fundamentally changed our lives by giving us new ways to express ourse…
LocationWashington, DC Description
LocationWiesner Room, 2nd Floor, MIT Media Lab DescriptionFrom an early age, humans are able to use intentions and beliefs to understand th…