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Laura Perovich
Laura Perovich
Mothersill, P., & Bove, V. M. (2019, June). Design Daydreams: Juxtaposing Digital and Physical Inspiration. In Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion (pp. 265-269).
Vik Parthiban and Ashley Jieun Lee. 2019. "LUI: A multimodal, intelligent interface for large displays." In The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 48, 1–2. DOI:
Lutz, Nina. “Making Up the Unreal · Journal of Design and Science.” Journal of Design and Science, MIT Press, 23 Oct. 2019,
Dumas, C., Erdelez, S., Pomerantz, J. and Parthiban, V. (2019), "Usability testing of LUI: A new human‐computer interface for large displays." Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 56: 645-647. doi:10.1002/pra2.118
Xinlei Zhang, Ali Shtarbanov, Jiani Zeng, Valerie K. Chen, V. Michael Bove, Pattie Maes, and Jun Rekimoto. 2019. Bubble: Wearable Assistive Grasping Augmentation Based on Soft Inflatables. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper LBW2313, 6 pages. DOI:
Mothersill, P., & Bove, V. M. (2019). Beyond Average Tools. On the use of ‘dumb’ computation and purposeful ambiguity to enhance the creative process. The Design Journal, 22(sup1), 1147-1161.
Sundeep Jolly, Bianca Datta, Vik Parthiban, Daniel Smalley, and V. Michael Bove Jr. "Experimental characterization of leaky-mode spatial light modulators fabricated via direct laser writing", Proc. SPIE 10944, Practical Holography XXXIII: Displays, Materials, and Applications, 109440V (1 March 2019);
Bianca Datta, Sundeep Jolly, and V. Michael Bove, Jr., “Towards inverse design of biomimetic nanostructures exhibiting composite structural coloration,” Proc. SPIE Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XI, 10930, 2019.
Philippa Mothersill & V. Michael Bove Jr. (2018) An Ontology of Computational Tools for Design Activities, Proceedings of DRS2018 International Conference, 25–28 June 2018, Limerick, Ireland, p1261-1277, DOI: 10.21606/dma.2018.456
Laura J. Perovich, Sara Wylie & Roseann Bongiovanni | Alex Wade (Reviewing editor) (2018) Pokémon Go, pH, and projectors: Applying transformation design and participatory action research to an environmental justice collaboration in Chelsea, MA, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 5:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311983.2018.1483874
Ali Shtarbanov and V. Michael Bove Jr. 2018. Free-Space Haptic Feedback for 3D Displays via Air-Vortex Rings. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper LBW622, 6 pages. DOI:
Jolly, Sundeep, et al. “Progress in Fabrication of Anisotropic Bragg Gratings Fabricated in Lithium Niobate via Femtosecond Laser Micromachining.” Search the World's Largest Collection of Optics and Photonics Applied Research., International Society for Optics and Photonics, 22 Feb. 2018
Jolly, Sundeep, et al. “Progress in Transparent Flat-Panel Holographic Displays Enabled by Guided-Wave Acousto-Optics.” Search the World's Largest Collection of Optics and Photonics Applied Research., International Society for Optics and Photonics, 19 Feb. 2018
Wicaksono, I., Rozendo, C., Ye, R., Trapp, J., Bove Jr., M. V., Dagdeviren, C., Ishii, H., Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Canada, 2018.
Philippa Mothersill & V. Michael Bove Jr. (2017) Humans, Machines and the Design Process. Exploring the Role of Computation in the Early Phases of Creation, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S3899-S3913, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1352892
Jolly, Sundeep, et al. “Near-to-Eye Electroholography via Guided-Wave Acousto-Optics for Augmented Reality | (2017) | Jolly | Publications.” Spie, 6 Apr. 2017,
Nickolaos Savidis, Sundeep Jolly, Bianca Datta, Thrasyvoulos Karydis, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Vik Parthiban, Rudolph N. Kohn Jr., Jinyang Liang, and Michael F. Becker "Experimental demonstration of precise holograms using complex light modulation", Proc. SPIE 9761, Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications VIII, 97610M (15 March 2016);
Sundeep Jolly, Nickolaos Savidis, Bianca Datta, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Daniel Smalley
Dreshaj, E. "Holosuite: an exploration into interactive holographic telepresence"
Sunny Jolly, E. Dreshaj, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Daniel J. Dubois, Yosuke Bando, Konosuke Watanabe, Arata Miyamoto, Munehiko Sato, William Papper, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
G. Ye, Sunny Jolly, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Q. Dai, R. Raskar, Gordon Wetzstein
Mothersill, P. "The Form of Emotive Design"
Perovich, L. "Data Experiences : novel interfaces for data engagement using environmental health data"
Gershon Dublon, Edwina Portocarrero
Sunny Jolly, Daniel Smalley, James Barabas, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Laura Perovich, Philippa Mothersill, Farah, J. B.,
Barabas, J. Holographic Television: Measuring Visual Performance with Holographic and Other 3D Television Technologies"
Smalley, D. "Holovideo on a Stick: Integrated Optics for Holographic Video Displays"
Daniel Smalley, Quinn Smithwick, V. M. Bove, James Barabas, Sunny Jolly
Sunny Jolly, Daniel Smalley, James Barabas, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Christian Ervin, Dhairya Dand, Robert Hemsley, David Nunez, Laura Perovich
Sunny Jolly, Daniel Smalley, James Barabas, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Sunny Jolly, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
V. Michael Bove, Jr., Quinn Smithwick, James Barabas, Daniel Smalley
Jolly, S. "An Updatable Three-Dimensional Display via Direct Optical Fringe Writing of Computer-Generated Holographic Stereograms in Photorefractive Polymer"
Daniel Smalley, Quinn Smithwick, James Barabas, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Sunny Jolly, C. Della Silva
James Barabas, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
V. Michael Bove, Jr.
James Barabas, Sunny Jolly, Daniel Smalley, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Portocarreo, E. "Inside/Out: Mirrors for Reflective, Creative Thinking"
Cranor, D. "Prototouch: A System for Prototyping Ubiquitous Computing Environments Mediated by Touch"
Edwina Portocarrero, David Cranor, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
David Cranor, et al.
V. Michael Bove, Jr.
James Barabas, Sunny Jolly, Daniel Smalley, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
E. Portocarrero, D. Robert, S. Follmer, M. Chung
Alfaro, S. "Surround Vision"
V. Michael Bove, Jr.
James Barabas, Quinn Smithwick, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Quinn Smithwick, James Barabas, Daniel Smalley, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Santos, A. "uCom: Spatial Displays for Visual Awareness of Remote Locations"
B. T. Taylor, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Quinn Smithwick, James Barabas, Daniel Smalley, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Smalley, D. "High-Resolution Spatial Light Modulation for Holographic Video"
B. T. Taylor, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
J. J. Kalanithi, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Quinn Smithwick, Daniel Smalley, V. Michael Bove, Jr., James Barabas
Kalanithi, J. "Connectibles: Tangible Social Networking"
Daniel Smalley, Quinn Smithwick, V. Michael Bove, Jr.
Wendy Plesniak, M. Halle, V. Michael Bove, Jr., James Barabas, R. Pappu
Barabas, J. "Sensor Planning for Novel View Generation by Camera Networks"