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Miyako Nakamura
Researchers created a water-soluble version of an important bacterial enzyme, which can be used in drug screens to identify new antibiotics.
The second iteration of this hackathon featured 66 films and 400 participants from local institutions, other states, and countries.
Engineering at the limits of complexity with molecular-scale parts
Congratulations to four Media Lab students, who have received 2022 MIT Presidential Fellowship awards.
The device detects the same molecules that cell receptors do, and may enable routine early screening for cancers and other diseases.
We're so proud of everything you've accomplished here, and can't wait to see what you do next.
Ruihan Zhang, a student in the Molecular Machines group, was lead organizer of this event in collaboration with MIT Film Makers Association
A pandemic-fueled transformation of the MIT course "How to Grow (Almost) Anything" leads to next steps in democratizing synthetic biology
An evolving list of IAP activities hosted by members of the Media Lab community in collaboration with other MIT departments this year.
We're thrilled to welcome our friends at the Museum to Kendall Square!
The Academy’s mission is to stimulate cross-disciplinary scientists of all disciplines, leading artists, and practitioners of governance.
Zhang has also been invited to deliver the 20th Schrödinger lecture on December 17, 2021.
Spinoff DeepCure, co-founded by Molecular Machines head Joe Jacobson and alumni Kfir Schreiber and Thrasyvoulos Karydis, raised $40 million
Alum Charles Fracchia has been named to the ISATStudy Group of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
DELPHI can give an “early-alert” signal for future key technologies by learning from patterns gleaned from previous publications.
Unexpected findings in chemokine receptors once believed to be non-functional open up new fields of scientific inquiry.
Computational modeling yields a protein fragment that could bind to coronavirus spike proteins and destroy them.
Applied computational biology discoveries vastly expand the range of CRISPR’s access to DNA sequences.
Pranam Chatterjee defends his PhD thesis, entitled "Robust Genome Editing with Broad-Targeting CRISPR Enzymes", on April 28th, 2020.
Team designs antibody-like receptor proteins that can bind to cytokines, as possible strategy for treating coronavirus and other infections.
The Media Lab community brings creativity, expertise, and research to the pandemic
The 2020 MIT Independent Activities Period (IAP) runs from January 6–January 31.
At Otherlab, inventors build cutting-edge tech from exoskeletons and flexible undersea robots to clean energy devices.
Enzyme can target almost half of the genome’s “zipcodes” and could enable editing of many more disease-specific mutations
The screen technology used in e-readers like the Amazon Kindle was conceived by undergraduates at MIT.
Professor Jacobson was recognized for his work developing electronic ink.
Lisa Nip's TED Talk
American geneticist, molecular engineer, and chemist George Church in conversation with Media Lab Director Joi Ito.
Researchers at MIT have found a way to grow submicroscopic wires in water with great precision, using a method that makes it possible to pr…
Researchers reported in the Jan. 10, 2002 issue of Nature that they can "speak" to DNA biomolecules with radio waves.