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Miyako Nakamura
RNA is a fundamental biomolecule that stands at the intersection of modern biology and the origins of life. It carries genetic i…
Proteins are the workhorses of the cell, powering the biological processes that make life possible. Their precise choreographies catalyze r…
Modeling protein-protein interactions is a necessary step for elucidating the mechanisms behind fundamental biological processes. Recent ad…
We recently introduced Ophiuchus, a novel deep learning architecture for modeling protein structures. Ophiuchus is the first autoencod…
A modular, membrane protein design based biomimetic sensing system named RESENSA (Receptor S-layer Electrical Nano Sens…
A Distance Learning Model for Global Laboratory-Based Synthetic Biology Education Synthetic Biology ( SynBio) tools hold the…
It was believed that functionalities of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) require full-length sequences which are negated by residue dele…
Designing protein inhibitors for a protein target using a combination of deep learning and high throughput wetlab screens.
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has elicited a global health crisis of catastrophic proportions. With on…
Programmable CRISPR enzymes are powerful and versatile tools for genome editing. They, however, require a specific protospacer adjacent mot…
In April 2019, Shuguang Zhang's lab started to use the QTY code to design a class of water-soluble cytokine receptors, including interferon…
In addition to a large number of membrane proteins that comprise most alpha-helix transmembrane segments, there are also many transmembrane…
Structure and function studies of membrane proteins, particularly G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and multipass transmembrane proteins,…
In collaboration with Prof. Horst Vogel and Dr. Horst Pick (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland).G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are vital for …
In collaboration with Prof. Uwe Sleytr and Dr. Andreas Breitwieser (BOKU, Vienna, Austria).Bioelectronics is an emerging antidisciplinary f…
There are 20 chemokine receptors that bind their respective chemokines. It is not currently understood how these structurally similar recep…
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are an essential part of many biological pathways in living organisms. With use cases such as regulatio…
The CRISPR-Cas9 system has proven to be a versatile tool for genome editing, with numerous implications in medicine, agriculture, bioe…
Affinity is a high-level machine learning API (Application Programming Interface) dedicated exclusively to molecular geometry. Affinity is …
We are currently developing novel DNA editing technologies to broaden the scope of genome engineering. Our strategy is based on identifying…
Technological advances in the past decade have allowed us to take a close look at the proteomes of living organisms. As a result, more than…