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Miyako Nakamura
Mapping the Spatial Transcriptome Across Whole Organisms
Join us as we provide learning opportunities on how emerging technologies, particularly AI, can impact business and emphasize the importan…
Watch the video: Pattie Maes, Andy Lippman, and a host of special guests and Media Lab researchers take a deep dive into generative AI.
Soumya Tripathy of the Molecular Machines group will deliver this talk as part of the Nano Explorations event series hosted by MIT.nano
Robust Genome Editing with Broad-Targeting CRISPR Enzymes
Precise and Expansive Genome Positioning for CRISPR EditsNew insights on microbial adaptive immune systems, known as CRISPR, have brought a…
Lisa Nip defends her dissertation on Tuesday, April 16.
LocationSan Francisco, CA DescriptionHardware, software, sensors, and physical things are coming together in uncharted waters. To succeed, …
LocationUnhangout DescriptionJoin 10 Media Lab students to learn more about their work and the work of their different research groups. Aft…
LocationMIT Media Lab, Room TBA DescriptionThis workshop plans to discuss the technology behind printed electronics and how it is poised to…