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The Community Carbon Impact is a data visualization installation created by the MIT City Science group for the Boston Museum of Science's y…
Space Architecture: a Domus column by Valentina SuminiSpace architecture is rapidly evolving, merging design, engineering, and human factor…
MiFly is a self-localization system for drones that works indoors, including in the dark and low-visibility settings. Instead of …
When imagining human life in space, how will we express our humanity and creativity in an alien environment? Can the art we make both refle…
We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of 𝑈2𝐵, a technology that enables scalable ad ultra-low power ocean IoT. At the…
Can we build a battery-free underwater GPS? While underwater localization is a long-studied problem, we seek to bring it to batt…
Electronics are ubiquitous in today’s world, with applications ranging from smart cities to health care, defense, economy, government, educ…
Un VISOR para San Pedro de la Paz: Una nueva tecnología para visualizar datos de tráfico usando datos de Waze A Viewer for San Pedro d…
Climate Intelligence focuses on the integration of cutting-edge technologies and systems thinking to address critical climate challenges.&n…
The Space Exploration Initiative goes to Antarctica to test 3D scanning technology for building digital twinsHumanity is on the precipice o…
Our research focuses on expanding the use of multimodal AI in education beyond the common modalities of text and speech. We're exploring ho…
Multimodal learning emerged as a promising frontier in artificial intelligence, offering innovative approaches to harnessing the inhe…
We are conducting collaborative research on design and engineering options for a hypothetical central bank digital currency. The work may i…
Assessing and understanding operationally-relevant performance is key to helping ensure safety in complex, dynamic environments. Two curren…
The study of human behavior in urban environment is an important field in city sciences. However, it's usually not easy to collect behavior…
CityFlow is a versatile tool that allows users to design, evaluate, and visualize urban solutions through an llm-integrated, case-based sys…
ocularium is a tiny sensor platform designed to be flown on kites to monitor atmospheric conditions. This project is a collaboration with C…
As climate-related disasters become more frequent, the need for actionable climate intelligence has never been greater. Earth Observa…
This project aimed at enhancing the social-emotional and educational experiences of Arabic-speaking refugee children. The project leverages…
During constituency listening processes (CLPs; e.g., town halls), leaders hear directly from community members about their needs and inter…
Sound is a powerful force, capable of enriching our lives and disrupting them in equal measure. Unwanted sonic interference intrudes upon o…
The research on Community-based Social Innovation focuses on the reshaping of urban spaces by human social behavior, incorporating an analy…
COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for reimagining urban spaces and emphasized the need for walkable, life-work balanced coummunities.&…
Mobility Choices is used to predict transportation mode choices of students at the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) within the Guadalajara …
In the CityScope platform, we leverage humanized Agent-Based Models (h-ABMs) to elevate urban simulation to new heights of realism and comp…
By Rachel BellisleOverview:The Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit (GLCS or “Skinsuit”) is an intravehicular activity suit for astronau…
Data-driven strategies to meet the Dual Energy-Climate ChallengeThe global community stands at a critical juncture, facing the dual energy-…
Understanding the link between urban planning and commuting flows is crucial for guiding urban development and policymaking. This research,…
The BentoScope is a portable iteration of the CityScope platform, conceived by the City Science group at the MIT Media Lab. This compact ve…
Urban mobility is changing at an increasingly rapid pace. In this context, stakeholders such as governments and mobility operators ne…
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) interventions in education grow, there is an urgent need to co-design AI for education tools with educators…
Living in space could have significant physical and mental impacts on astronauts. Wearables have the potential to play a critical role in m…
The AstroAnt is a tiny robot that will be sent to the Lunar South Pole. It will do inspection sensing from the outside of a Lunar rover. Th…
Through collecting digital assets including 360 video, drone, photogrammetry, videos, and sensor data, we will document the research …
Using 3D imaging combined with Ambient Noise Tomography we will test advanced Earth technologies to map lava tubes on the Moon.Humanity is …
Papalotes Atmosféricos is a set of wind interfaces that aim to explore kites and wind instruments as a form of low impact data collection i…
The MIT Space Exploration Initiative explores Lunar analog sites on Spain’s Canary Island of Lanzarote.During a 10-day field program in Feb…
The challenge of understanding pandemics, illustrated by the recent COVID-19 outbreak, has significantly impacted global health and economi…
Advanced Data Visualizations for Climate IntelligenceMarked by heightened awareness and global concern over the climate crisis, the MI…
Is the placement of bike-share docks equitable?This interactive map explores the question visually.The map shows the addition of bike-share…
The Clubhouse Network has a long history of activism and advocacy. This new initiative aims to enhance and amplify the work already being d…
Technology for Women’s Health
We further explore conversation visualization as a method of extracting and translating meaning for third party audiences who wish to bette…
Gastronomy and Beyond (G+B) aims to unite individuals who contribute to innovation in the realms of culture, products, territories, sustain…
Integrating quantum computing into urban design presents a groundbreaking approach to city planning and modeling. By harnessing the unique …
Humanizing Agent-Based Models (h-ABM) emerges as a pioneering technique to simulate real-world behaviors, aiming to seamlessly bridge …
Global biodiversity faces threats from climate change and human disturbance, which affect many species, especially large predators. These t…
The South American Bombus dahlbomii is one of the largest bee species in the world. It can grow up to 1.6 inches long and, because of its s…
Dealing with rapidly spreading wildfires is a complex task that involves the coordination of multiple government agencies and on-site crews…
MIT City Science has developed an international network of cooperative City Science LabsWe are developing concepts and key technology that …
Voyage Viewer is an online, open source interactive tool especially designed to visualize and study human mobility and migration.
Humanity has harnessed evolution to sculpt domesticated animals, crops, and molecules, but the process remains a black box. Which combinati…
Urban populations around the world are rapidly growing. To improve livability, urban residents must reduce dependency on fossil fuels and p…
City Science researchers are developing a slew of tangible and digital platforms dedicated to solving spatial design and urban planning cha…
Changing Places researchers are developing scalable strategies for understanding and creating hyper-efficient, technology-enabled spaces t…
Overview: How will we build the coming generations of Space Architecture—the modules, space ships, and space stations that will enscon…
The Space Sustainability RatingThe Space Sustainability Rating design team—comprised of the World Economic Forum, the European Space Agency…
Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne infection in North America. People are infected when bitten by ticks; ticks are typically infe…
A Distance Learning Model for Global Laboratory-Based Synthetic Biology Education Synthetic Biology ( SynBio) tools hold the…
One of the six research methods used by the Space Enabled research group is creating models of complex systems by drawing on techniques fro…
We take as a starting point for our work the recent scholarship by Sasha Costanza-Chock, Design Justice, in which she described design jus…
CommunityLM is a research program from MIT Center for Constructive Communication (CCC) and MIT Media Lab. We are devoted to developing soci…
The Space Enabled Research Group is exploring the potential of using beeswax and candle wax as potential fuels for satellites in space. Bee…
"Autonomous operations are critical for the success, safety, and crew survival of NASA deep space missions beyond low Earth orbit, includin…
A Framework For Designing Augmented Human-Flora Interaction.
Low-cost, modular, open source, and portable bio-reactor for urban bio-sensor development.
MicroPET is an autonomous payload for enzymatic reactions and microbial cultivation with fully programmable serial passaging and sampl…
Urban mobility can often be categorized as a complex system—e.g., a nonlinear system composed of many components that interact with each …
Zero Robotics is an educational program that hosts tournaments to teach middle and high school students to write code and program with robo…
Autonomous bicycles have recently been proposed as a new and more efficient approach to bicycle-sharing systems, but how do they compare fr…
City Science researchers are engaging in an exploratory process to understand, develop, and model a platform with a focus on the 15-minute …
Over the last few decades, numerous scholars have documented the fact that in general, people of color and other socio-economically margina…
Could we substitute cars by shared autonomous lightweight vehicles for food delivery? We have developed an agent-based simulation model tha…
Optimizing environmental, social, and economic performance of citiesCities play a central role in the climate crisis. According to the late…
The quality of the air we inhale affects our physical well-being, our mental performance, and our emotional state. Yet, most of us are unaw…
Community-scale profiling sensor node for ocean monitoring and community coordination of fishing activities.
More than 95% of the ocean has never been observed by humans, even though the ocean plays the largest role in the world's climate system, h…
The MIT City Science team will work with the Cámara Chilena de la Construcción (CChC), Corporación Ciudades, and the Biobío regional govern…
Gold mining has played a significant role in Ghana's economy for centuries. Regulation of this industry has varied over time and while indu…
This project seeks to improve the use of satellite-based Earth Observation as an input to a Drought Decision Support System to inform the r…
Our Oceans IoT technologies enable new applications in climate and ecological monitoring, aquaculture, energy, and robotic navigation. …
2D Spintronic and Neuromorphic Devices for Sustainable Artificial Intelligence
Space architecture projects for the Mechanical Artifact: Ultra Space course in partnership with the Center for Collaborative Arts and Media…
Cody Paige, MIT AeroAstro Contributors: Ferrous Ward, MIT AeroAstro; Don Derek Haddad, ResEnv; Jess Todd, MIT…
Van-Atta Acoustic Backscatter (VAB) is the first technology for ultra-low-power underwater networking and communication, which can transmit…
The City Science group uses simulations and visualizations to explain to stakeholders, including citizens, the various "what if" scenarios …
Humans, Robots, Space, and the Future of ConnectednessWhat is the future of the human connection to each other, to machinery, to the univer…
The Khasi people trace their ancestry back to the stars. Hailing from the Northeastern state of Meghalaya in India, the Khasis are famous f…
The MIT City Science team will work with the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Mubil Fundazioa on a new collaboration to create the City Sci…
The City Science Summit is an annual gathering of the City Science Network: an international community of institutions and researchers that…
In a Proof-of-Work blockchain such as Bitcoin mining hashrate is increasing in the block reward. An increase in hashrate reduces network vu…
The Generative Land Use project aims to revolutionize urban planning by developing a cutting-edge algorithm that generates the ideal land u…
Rectifying the damage caused by buildings requires an ideological shift, one that involves working with invisible microscopic systems. The …
OverviewWe found that vegan and vegetarian labels commonly found on menu items have a significantly negative impact on consumer's likelihoo…
SoundSHROOM: Sensor-equipped Habitat Recorder for Outdoor Omnidirectional Monitoring
The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Science Activation (SciAct) program connects NASA Science with diverse learners of all ages in w…
HexSense is a kind of sensor node that can be ballistically deployed to the desired area and collect data of interest. Each sensor node is …
A distributed sensing system for managing water resources in informal communities.
Immersive Scope is an immersive environment designed to help people visualize complex urban designs in a more engaging and accessible …