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Cindy Kao
HyperCubes is an augmented reality platform to help children understand computational concepts drawn from their physical surroundings, from…
As mobile device screens continue to get smaller (smartwatches, head-mounted devices like Google Glass), touch-based interactions with them…
Exploring your city is a great way to make friends, discover new places, find new interests, and invent yourself. Spotz is an Android app w…
Emerging pervasive games use sensors, graphics and networking technologies to provide immersive game experiences integrated with the real w…
We present CAPS, wearable on-body capsules which produce repulsive odor to deter sexual abuse. The capsules can be triggered by self-a…
Activ8 is a system of three short games: See-Saw, a balancing game for Google Glass; Jump Beat, a music beat matching game for Google Glass…
Most current virtual reality interactions are mediated by hand-held input devices or hand gestures, and usually display only a partial repr…
Combining the art of two worlds–fashion and biology–into one. Conforming Materials is working towards designing fully recyclable cloth…
Abstract data visualizations for enhancing social interactions through clothing and augmented reality.
Every 98 seconds, a person in the United States is sexually abused. Every 16 hours, a woman in the United States is murdered by her ro…
Inertia is a platform for exploring physical interactions between real active agents and virtual elements in an augmented reality environme…
This work explores a dynamic future in which the accessories we wear are no longer static, but are instead mobile, living objects on the bo…
DuoSkin is a fabrication process that enables anyone to create customized functional devices that can be attached directly to the skin. Usi…
SCUBA diving as a sport has enabled people to explore the magnificent ocean diversity of beautiful corals, striking fish, and mysterious wr…
Variable Reality is an augmented reality system designed for reading digital and physical books more intuitively and efficiently. Through a…
In this interactive experience we are interested in enabling quick input actions to Google Glass. The application allows users to trace an …
We present Tattio, a fabrication process that draws from current body decoration processes (i.e., jewelry such as metallic temporary tattoo…
Pintail is a travel companion app for guided storytelling. It will start by capturing your travel plan so that it can nudge you with person…
Musicpainter is a networked, graphical composing environment that encourages sharing and collaboration within the composing process. It pro…
With the arrival of mobile phones, the concept of calling has moved from calling a place to calling a person, which has quite distinctive a…
In this project, we construct a virtual desktop centered around the smartphone display with the surface around the display opportunisticall…
LocoRadio is a mobile, augmented-reality, audio browsing system that immerses you within a soundscape as you move. To enhance the browsing …
MugShots enables visual communication though everyday objects. We embed a small display into a coffee mug, an object with frequent daily us…
We present an indoor positioning system that measures location using disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field by structural steel element…
It's common for us to attach different emotions to each moment in our lives, but when we capture and interact with them, we are often const…
How many decisions does it take before you hear a desired piece of music on your iPod? First, you are asked to pick a genre, then an artist…
Pavlov is a virtual pet that encourages you to be physically active. He has ambient presence in the screens with which you interact. Pavlov…
Classroom discussions may not seem like an environment that needs a new kind of supporting technology. But we've found that augmenting clas…
Bringing deliberative process and consensus decision-making to the 21st century! A practical set of tools for assisting in meeting structur…
Guiding Light is a navigation-based application that provides directions by projecting them onto physical spaces both indoors and outdoors.…
In online environments, we often rely on some combination of pictures and pseudonyms to show others what kind of person we are. In more ano…
Musicscape is a two-dimensional, spatial music navigation interface designed for browsing large-scale sound archives. It simulates a 2D sou…
The experience of being in a crowd is visceral. We feel a sense of connection and belonging through shared experiences like watching a spor…
Distributed meetings present a set of interesting challenges to staying engaged and involved. Because one person speaks at a time, it is ea…
Many of our online interactions take place in community spaces. We keep track of friends and share pictures on Facebook, chatter with frien…
The living room is the heart of social and communal interactions in a home. Often present in this space is a screen: the television. When i…
OnTheRun is a location-based exercise game designed for the iPhone. The player assumes the role of a fugitive trying to gather clues to cle…
Inspired by the fact that people are communicating more and more through technology, Flickr This explores ways for people to have emotion-r…
Now that mobile phones are starting to have 3D display and capture capabilities, there are opportunities to enable new applications that en…
The "Nominal Group Technique" is a popular way to brainstorm, often executed with Post-it notes and voting stickers. We're reimagining and …
This project is a novel concept for a social TV application, targeting the demographic of viewers enjoying live sports events, such as road…
When friends give directions, they often don't describe the whole route, but instead provide landmarks along the way that they think will b…
SpaceBox explores the addressing of location-specific messages (text, voice, images) to an intended recipient or group of recipients. Its k…
Audio conferences have a number of striking downsides�we lose many of the familiar physical signals from other people that help us judge wh…
We are developing a tool to allow users to place and recall virtual sound objects (music files, phone numbers) at 3-D spatial coordinates a…
Motivated by the question "Why do people behave strangely while driving cars with GPS navigation systems?", we reviewed previous work in th…
Presentations in virtual environments tend to suffer from a number of common problems: presenters are easily overwhelmed by unfamiliar audi…
We are flooded with information every instant; new email alerts, latest twitter updates, weather alerts, sports and the list goes on. While…
MonkeyToGo is a mobile extension of Monkey Business, our animatronic, remote- awareness network. Cell phones running our MonkeyToGo applica…
EMotoPhone adds a new dimension to cell-phone interaction, augmenting verbal communication by allowing users to send personalized emoticons…
Merry Miser is a mobile application which persuades people to spend less money, and think more about their spending. By combining users' re…
People keep their contacts, such as email addresses and phone numbers, in their computer address books and cell phones. Unless someone asks…
To maintain our relationships with family and friends, it's important to share our daily lives. TimelessWords is an integrated, calendar-ba…
We often have 'idle' time during which we consume various types of audio media (radio, audio books, MP3s, CDs, podcasts)�while driving to w…
Hearplay provides a tool for sharing speech-annotated media on networked PocketPCs. It uses asynchronous audio to help us stay aware of wha…
People's daily lives are impacted by a great deal of dynamic environmental information, such as weather and traffic. Though most of this in…
Globetoddler is a new project that focuses on remote awareness and shared experiences from children's point of view. The project aims to de…
"Trash Talk" is a distributed mesh network of decidedly inexpensive speaker nodes that play audio messages. Each node contains a microphone…
Why do our advanced cell phones still ring at completely inappropriate times, such as at the theatre, at the movies, or during family dinne…
This project describes the design and development of a system that will help to increase safety and security using cell phones. This system…
The Beat Browser is a music and sound browser designed to give users fast feedback while browsing arbitrarily large collections of audio. T…
ListenIn uses audio to link two environments; it is motivated by the desire by caregivers to monitor domestic environments with elderly or …
Monkey Business is a system to keep distributed members of a group aware of each other�s presence and activities in a light-hearted manner,…
Safe & Sound is an application that enables a parent to define a "secure zone" for a child. A secure zone is an area where the parent consi…
The Robotic F.A.C.E. project explores the use of a physical object in the form of a face as a means of user interaction, taking advantage o…
A socially intelligent communication agent that assists the user in her telecommunication tasks needs "communication intelligence." One way…
Our translation assistant applies common-sense logic to the problem of translating speech in real time from one language to another. Using …
Active Messenger filters email messages according to dynamic rules, and automatically routes messages to a variety of wired and wireless de…
This project is about embodying the user interface for a call-handling agent in a small animatronics device. The embodied agent�s primary f…
This project aims to reliably spot digit strings in voicemail messages. This can be very useful since it allows easy access to telephone nu…
GalvaPhone is the expansion of EMotoPhone, an earlier project in the Speech Interfaces group. EMotoPhone allows cell-phone users to choose …
Communication is an integral task for any distributed work group. As the work environment becomes less structured, it becomes harder for te…
This work uses combined speech input and output to converse with a user seeking to control a computer, or to access information from it. Co…
Communication is much more than the direct transfer of information. It is an interactive collaborative act including potentially rich verba…
Nomadic Radio explores speech interfaces for communication purposes in a wearable computer. Incoming messages and phone calls are filtered,…
The cry detector running on the iPAQ under Linux is an implementation of the baby monitor, one of the applications announced in the Impromp…
TalkBack is an answering machine with a little more smarts. It allows you to respond to your messages naturally as you get them. Next time …
With growing dependence on digital voice and text messaging, it is crucial to be able to access messages in the most intuitive fashion. The…
People are experts in social intelligence. Most know what is socially appropriate in a given situation, especially how to gauge if somethin…
TinyProjector is a very small portable character projector, based on inexpensive laser diodes, projecting a single line of text onto nearby…
The practical demands of modern life obligate people to spend time physically separated from the people they care about. To cope, people tu…
This project uses spatialized audio and presentation of audio recordings from different points in space around the listener's head to enabl…
This project explores the utility of voice in a range of applications offering services to users of the telephone network. Topics being exa…
We are exploring new methods of call setup, allowing the originating party to participate in the decision as to whether to alert the called…
In order to utilize digitized speech (a telephone message, recording of a meeting, lecture, etc.) more effectively as a computer-data-type,…
We use text-capable mobile devices, such as cellphones with SMS and two-way pagers, as mobile interfaces to our desktop computers, combinin…
This work seeks to apply acoustical analysis to a hierarchical model of discourse structure so as to allow for the division of an audio rec…
comMotion is a location-aware, mobile communication system that delivers timely, travel condition-related information to the mobile user. H…
Radio news programs are most valuable when hands and eyes are busy, such as during the morning commute or while working in the kitchen. But…
Computer workstations can provide a much-needed user interface to advanced telephony functions, provided a path exists between the workstat…
This project explores software architectures and user interfaces to voice as a computer data-type, as well as a command channel. Its goal i…
An Awareness Portal turns unused wall space into a community news resource. It responds to viewers' presence and maintains a trace of commu…