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MIT Media Lab / Fluid Interfaces
Imagining our augmented now and the future through the lens of AI artThe artwork is generated by Mostafa 'Neo' Mohsenvand, using AI t…
DayDreamNight was a gathering organized for the MIT community to explore projects produced in collaboration between CAST Visiting Artist Ca…
Abstract— Millions suffer from sleep disorders, and sleep clinics and research institutions seek improved sleep study methods. This paper p…
SynopsisThe class will cover a wide range of perspectives on deepfakes, from their historical ancestors through their philosophical underpi…
This project is a subset of the larger Dream Hotel project ongoing with CAST Visiting Artist Carsten Höller. The Room for Flying Dreams is …
We are working with MIT CAST Visiting Artist Carsten Höller to build prototypes for a Dream Hotel museum exhibition which will translate ex…
We have collected data (n=133) in collaboration with Duke University Professor Paul Seli testing a non-contact Targeted Dream Incubation pr…
This project is a pipeline to algorithmically generate visuals of dreams collected from large groups during the COVID pandemic. Dreams…
“Don’t touch your face” is seemingly simple advice. Since coronaviruses are stable for days on many surfaces, a person can get COVID-19 by …
Human-computer interaction (HCI) has traditionally focused on designing and investigating interfaces that provide explicit visual, auditory…
NeuroKnit is the interplay between the physical and virtual that is explored in response to the current lack of culture, expression, and em…
Automatic and real-time sleep scoring is necessary to develop user interfaces that trigger stimuli in specific sleep stages. Howe…
Wearables are being widely researched for monitoring individual's health and wellbeing. Current generation wearable devices sense an indivi…
Paper Dreams explores how human creativity can be supported by artificial intelligence.Prior research on AI and creativity has primarily fo…
Words are fleeting. Moments come and go, and what we vocalize “disappears into thin air."In this project, TangiBel Soundscapes, we propose …
A custom circuit board is embedded into robotic toys which makes them come alive when a sleeper begins to dream. As you slip into REM sleep…
Interpreting human electroencephalogram (EEG) is a challenging task and requires years of medical training. We present a framework for lear…
Feeling Climate Crisis is a series of kinetic sculptures that visualize the ongoing climate crisis. Movements of the sculptures express dat…
InspirationDreams are fascinating personally, therapeutically, and scientifically. Who hasn't woken up in the morning and wondered how they…
Virtual and augmented reality headsets are unique as they have access to our facial area, an area that presents an excellent opportunity fo…
With advances in virtual reality (VR) and physiological sensing technology, even more immersive computer-mediated communication through lif…
The brain uses space to index, organize, and retrieve memories. However, our sense of space depends on our perception of gravity. We p…
We explore an art form where machines take on an essential role in the aesthetics and processes of the creation. Our main theme can be summ…
Exploring contextual multimodal cues as memory aids Objective We are exploring the potential of proximity-triggered contextual au…
Exploring the connection between our two minds: the one in our head and the one in our body. The mind-gut connection has flourished as…
We present PsychicVR, a proof-of-concept system that integrates a brain-computer interface device and virtual reality headset to improve mi…
Biological neuronal networks are highly complex and interconnected with superior information processing capabilities. Such networks have pr…
Computational Food is a series of experiments around the shape-changing nature of food and its associated unique sensory experiences. We us…
Cocoon is our vision of a programmable dream machine from the future. This device would be enabled by the synthesis of many devices under d…
Recent developments in wearable robots and human augmentation open up new possibilities of designing computational interfaces integrated to…
Body Quest is a room-scale virtual reality playground for learning about biology and chemistry. Learning about how complex microscopic 3D s…
Invisibilia seeks to explore the use of Augmented Reality (AR), head-mounted displays (HMD), and depth cameras to create a system that make…
When the body senses itself internally and localizes its actions, it provides the basis for a material sense of self-existence. At th…
Identity is fluid. As we travel this journey of life, we get imprinted and we forget parts of ourselves. Older people's memories are erased…
Breathing actions are used to augment controller-based input by giving superpowers to players in two VR games. Blowing out long and strong …
GVS or galvanic vestibular stimulation is a technology that directly affects a user's vestibular system by altering their sense of balance …
The onset of Mixed Reality as a platform offers the opportunity to create new, playful paradigms for building and fostering creativity. The…
Embodied theories of language propose that the way we communicate verbally is grounded in our bodies. Nevertheless, the way a second langua…
ShowMe is an immersive mobile collaboration system that allows remote users to communicate with peers using video, audio, and gestures. Wit…
The setup involves adding one controller/tracker per foot and one at the base of the back along with two hand-held controllers and the HMD.…
As more powerful and spatially aware Augmented Reality devices become available, we can leverage the user’s context to embed reality with a…
Oasis won Silver at the Edison Awards 2017.Oasis received the Best Paper Award at VRST 2016.Oasis is a novel system for automatically gener…
Remot-IO is a system for mobile collaboration and remote assistance around Internet-connected devices. It uses two head-mounted displays, c…
TagMe is an end-user toolkit for easy creation of responsive objects and environments. It consists of a wearable device that recognizes the…
Light, color, texture, geometry and other architectural design elements have been shown to produce predictable and measurable effects on ou…
The Reality Editor is a new kind of tool for empowering you to connect and manipulate the functionality of physical objects. Just point the…
Tourism is Cuba’s third largest source of foreign currency, behind the two dominant industries of sugar and tobacco. The number of visitors…
The Reality Editor is a web browser for the physical world: Point your phone or tablet at a physical object and an interface pops up with i…
Can tattoos embrace technology in order to make the skin interactive?The DermalAbyss project was the result of a collaboration between MIT …
Tree is a virtual experience that transforms you into a rainforest tree. With your arms as branches and body as the trunk, you experience t…
Respite is a class project, tested only in a limited pilot study. We have learned about and experienced the subjective benefits of min…
Screen interactions have been shown to contribute to increases in stress, anxiety, and deficiencies in breathing patterns. Since better res…
Appropriate and adaptive treatment plans are challenging in Parkinson’s disease for several reasons. parkinsAI models drug response a…
Regular disinfection of hands and frequently touched surfaces is a critical factor in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and diso…
Communication skills are critical for all. We design and develop systems to help people with communication issues, fostering more emp…
This work explores the design of techniques based on the cognitive illusion of "inattentional blindness" which is a failure to notice somet…
Open Hybrid is an open source augmented reality platform for physical computing and Internet of Things. It is based on the web and Arduino.…
As part of a Google-sponsored Glass developer event, we created a Glass-enabled improv comedy show together with noted comedians from Impro…
JaJan! is a telepresence system wherein remote users can learn a second language together while sharing the same virtual environment. JaJan…
Projected augmented reality in the manufacturing plant can increase worker productivity, reduce errors, gamify the workspace to increase wo…
LuminAR reinvents the traditional incandescent bulb and desk lamp, evolving them into a new category of robotic, digital information device…
Fluxa is a compact wearable device that exploits body movements, as well as the visual effects of persistence of vision (POV), to generate …
The Reality Editor system supports editing the behavior and interfaces of so-called "smart objects": objects or devices that have an embedd…
A web technology-based update of Smarter Objects and the reality editor project.
Cord UIs are sensorial augmented cords that allow for simple, metaphor-rich interactions to interface with their connected devices. Cords o…
Bin-ary is a self-contained gas detector that analyzes organic trash odor compounds and releases a subtle burst of scent when bad odor is d…
The way we represent ourselves in social media is intangible. What we choose to wear is public to the world and we are aware of it. In cont…
We are designing interfaces to enhance driver self-awareness through subliminal visual feedback and shape-changing materials. Advancements …
The Relative Size of Things is a low-cost 3D scanner for the microscopic world. It combines a webcam, a three-axis computer-controlled plot…
We study augmentation of the creative writing process through a new text editor. This text editor presents short-length snippets from books…
We are exploring the use of wearable objects for capturing emotion. When the user experiences a particular emotion, she initiates the weara…
Fifty years ago, Doug Engelbart created a conceptual framework for augmenting human intellect in the context of problem-solving. We expand …
Can your information on social networking sites be used to create emotional experiences? The Nostalgia Room ranks your Facebook photos base…
Mouseless is an invisible computer mouse that provides the familiarity of interaction of a physical mouse without actually needing a real h…
This project explores the idea that some "intelligence" is encoded in the habits that people assume in daily life. Adopting someone else's …
ReflectOns are objects that help people think about their actions and change their behavior based on subtle, ambient nudges delivered at th…
Pulp-Based Computing is a series of explorations that combine smart materials, papermaking, and printing. By integrating electrically activ…
PoCoMo is an implementation of a vision in future-projected social interfaces. In this project we try to capture the playfulness of collabo…
'PreCursor' is an invisible layer that hovers in front of the screen and enables novel interaction that reaches beyond the current touchscr…
TeleTouch lets you touch and control from far. See thru your smartphone's camera and control EVERYTHING you see on the screen by touching i…
It's common for us to attach different emotions to each moment in our lives, but when we capture and interact with them, we are often const…
PalimPost is a converged system for storing, searching, and sharing digital and physical world information using sticky notes and mobile de…
MTM "Little John" is a multi-purpose, mid-size, rapid prototyping machine with the goal of being a personal fabricator capable of performin…
SpendTrend is a ReflectOn designed to allow its user to reflect on spending habits. Often we spend based on the momentary buying capability…
subTextile is a toolkit for behavioral textiles: the intersection of on-body computation and electronic textiles focusing on the interactiv…
We have seen an explosion of data, but the tools necessary to understand it have not kept pace. Humans have innate spatial memory and spati…
Remnant is a greeting card that merges the affordances of physical materials with the temporal malleability of digital systems to create, e…
TeleStory is a tangible interface for children to learn vocabulary through gestural experimentation. Children pair characters in a story an…
ReachBand is a wireless wristband with an RFID reader that can detect user interactions with everyday objects, such as holding a book or op…
Midas is a touch-based personalization system that bridges the gap between personal area networks (PANs) and explicit authentication. It is…
The system consists of virtual representations of a handful of people that react to what a person is currently reading, writing, or talking…
Information that is spatially or temporarily detached from us is hard to relate to our own personal lives. In addition, we are confronted w…
We are using intelligent interfaces to spatially organize streams of incoming information into coherent themes. Theme Stream helps us to de…
Soundforms is a tabletop interface for collaborative composition. The shapes and sizes of objects are used as simple icons for controlling …
Imagine taking a digital picture with your new camera-phone and the picture is able to annotate itself. For example, if you are at Fenway P…
In a digital, immersive world, e-book readers and flat displays are taking over what was once the realm of books. The reBook project attemp…
The Sound of Touch is a new instrument for real-time capture and sensitive physical stimulation of sound samples using digital convolution.…
With the Relational Pillow project, we are trying to provide a simple, intimate, and personable communication medium between loved ones. Th…
Light Piping, an installation of solar technology on the roof of the new Media Lab extension, will bring natural light into the old buildin…
WordPlay is a mutual tabletop interface for the generating, organizing, and exploring new ideas. Participants add terms to the table by spe…
Personas is a component of the Metropath(ologies) exhibit, recently on display at the MIT Museum by the Sociable Media Group. It uses sophi…
This work explores a technological answer to the perennial question "What's for dinner?" Few of us know with great certainty the exact food…
Programming is the art of constructing a story about objects and what they do in various situations, expressed in programming languages whi…
The Context Manager is a generalized framework for connecting a variety of pervasive sensor technologies and output modalities to intellige…
taggyMedia is an online interactive system that provides easier and more interesting ways of media search and exploration. By constucting a…
Using the built-in camera of a mobile phone and inexpensive printed tags, users can leave and retrieve video messages in specific locations…
Portrait of Cati 2 is an homage to the project "Portrait of Cati" done by Stefan Agamanolis. This portrait reacts differently to a man or a…
As RFID technology matures, and PDAs such as smart phones become ubiquitous, the time is right to look at the future of RFID tags beyond th…
We are designing and testing an automatic system to calculate the usefulness of items on Web pages. Using this system, Web sites can adjust…
People's tastes are their systems of aesthetic judgment and preference. Taste systems are generative; understanding the tastes of friends m…
The goal of this project is to allow a user with a Bluetooth-enabled cell phone or PDA to gather personally relevant information about, and…
The most common functions of mobile devices involve alerting the user; whether notifying of incoming calls and messages or reminding of cal…
Interactive teaching tools strive to make subject-material more interesting through a hands-on approach to learning. Using video projection…